This might just scrape it! It was looking real doubtful for a while, but these last couple of weeks have seen some great video's and a huge surge in bidders and pledge levels.
I'm currently at £80, which i think is my limit for this game. I hope it makes it, a new Elite has been too long coming! I hope this won't be like that other project that just missed it's goal by £20 or so!
@Roman5, i think it depends on if you liked Elite (or Oolite even) if you will enjoy the new version. It's true it will have a a few different play set up options that are different from the older games in the series, but if you want to keep the pure Elite experience of old, you can also play in single player mode (instead of the MMO mode etc).
So yeah if you liked Elite before, you will like Elite again, if not then probably not?
Post edited January 02, 2013 by ThorChild