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For a project with no video and pretty steep first level to actually score you a game, Elite is doing pretty well it seems.

But hasn't Braben talked for years, that there has been at least some level of development around new Elite game?
ktchong: Um, the definition of a "cult game" is that it's a niche.

Elite -- some 30-year-old game with no sequel or spinoff released during the past three decade -- is better known than Alone in the Dark, Fallout, Baldur's Gate, Descent, Freespace, Dungeon Master, Icewind Dale, Planescape: Torment, or Wasteland?

For the most part, yeah. Absolutely.

If you were in Europe, you would not describe Elite as a niche game. I remember when the sequel, Frontier, came out. The magazine coverage it got before launch was on the same level as GTA V today. It was HUGE.
So much pessisim on page 1 of this thread, and now they already raised 350.000$ in not even a day. I'm in!
jamotide: So much pessisim on page 1 of this thread, and now they already raised 350.000$ in not even a day. I'm in!
Still though, it's surprising he's managed to get so much in so little time already with that sorry piece of a pitch. I wish I had that kind of expendable cash some seem to have. Nostalgia doesn't do shit for me. I want to see something tangible before even considering a pledge.
Timing might be a problem here, I'm full into Star Citizen right now, if he would come next year when he has more stuff to show I would almost certainly back it.
Let's be honest here, this Kickstater is getting some support due to nostalgia alone, nothing else. There is no information on how the game will be, how they'll make it or which DRM will be used. There's not even a damn video. I think that this is a very poor pitch that doesn't deserve my money, but i guess most people disagree with me.
Roman5: 200 thousand pounds raised in 1 day...

Man, that article from BBC really must have made an impact....
...which is a good thing, but then again, he wants 1.25 million pounds for a game which apparently exists only as a concept; we have no concept art, no screenshots, no demos, and not even any kind of proof of concept. Hell, we gave Shaker/"Old-School RPG" a ton of grief over not having enough info up front, but even Shaker initially had more up front stuff then E:D.
jamyskis: As a rule of thumb - anything that was PC-exclusive in mainland Europe pre-1995 was niche (because the C64 and then the Amiga were overwhelmingly dominant until that point). Anything that was PC-exclusive in the UK was niche regardless of when it came out, because PC has always been a niche platform there.
It wasn't PC exclusive... in fact the PC version of Elite was a port. The original version was on the BBC Micro (Acorn).

EDIT: Just occurred to me you might have been talking about Wasteland. Apologies if so!

ktchong: Elite -- some 30-year-old game with no sequel or spinoff released during the past three decade --
Post edited November 06, 2012 by SirPrimalform
spindown: So they have no pitch video, no screenshots, no concept art... nothing but a bit of text, but the highest goal in Kickstarter history (AFAIK). That takes chutzpah.
Chutzpah? What does this mean? Can I replace that word with balls and still retain its meaning?

Anyway, maybe he's hoping his involvement with the original is the only selling point he needs to raise so much cash...
spindown: So they have no pitch video, no screenshots, no concept art... nothing but a bit of text, but the highest goal in Kickstarter history (AFAIK). That takes chutzpah.
Dzsono: Chutzpah? What does this mean? Can I replace that word with balls and still retain its meaning?

Anyway, maybe he's hoping his involvement with the original is the only selling point he needs to raise so much cash...
My friend, I must insist you play Kingdom of Loathing.
If industry professionals with decades of experience can't convince banks or venture capitalists to lend them money for their new game, it's a very strong sign that people who evaluate business plans for a living don't think this will work. If they won't take the risk, even for a potential payoff, I'm sure as hell not taking the risk for no payoff at all.
Like I've said before, talent stagnates as people get older - when they created the first Elite, they were teenagers brimming with creativity but as we grow older, our creativity dwindles and we more and more rely on existing ideas to craft our own.

But heck, the name alone sounds terrible. Elite Dangerous? That sounds like a B game title. Even off the top of my head I can come up with better titles than that: Elite: Discovery. Elite: Odyssey, Elite: Project Icarus, etc. etc. etc. But ... Elite DANGEROUS? Please ... .
Dzsono: Chutzpah? What does this mean? Can I replace that word with balls and still retain its meaning?
Yeah, that's more or less what it means.
I do find it a bit worrysome that they've managed to get almost 300k with nothing to show for it. Elite is absolutely the worst pitch I've seen from the big names in Kickstarter. Sure, the drive is 60 day long, so they got a lot of time to add more content, but shouldn't at least some concrete stuff be shown beforehand?
SirPrimalform: It wasn't PC exclusive... in fact the PC version of Elite was a port. The original version was on the BBC Micro (Acorn).

EDIT: Just occurred to me you might have been talking about Wasteland. Apologies if so!
My point exactly :) The reason the Americans never really saw much of Elite is because they never experienced the craze surrounding the BBC Micro version, or the Spectrum version, or the C64 version really for that matter. That's why it's hardly known there.

For that matter we didn't have BBC Micros over here either, but we did have the early C64 version.