Roman5: What about the "Day 1 DLC Galore" and the problems at launch? (Hello there Orcrishgamer)
Hello, back at ya!
This is what happens when you piss off the "I just want to fucking play my game" console crowd;)
I have absolutely nothing but my own opinion to back up the above, but since I want it to be true, that's good enough for me!
danteveli: Its sad when really good games are not profitable enough. I hope this does not mean no Darksiders 3 because it would be a shame.
There's really too much value in the brand. There will be some sort of game carrying the Darksiders name in a few years, whether it's a game any of us would want to play or not is not so certain.
EDIT: On another note, this game has tons of DLC, mostly cosmetic, not included in the season pass. Plus there's Season Pass DLC, but I don't think they've gotten more than 1-2 of their promised DLCs. It would be interesting to see what happens if this is the first Season Pass to not fulfill its end of the bargain. Most of these ring in to the tune of 30 bucks (so you only get like 1 DLC for free, which I consider to be a pretty weak discount), so TOS terms forbidding class action or not, I bet they get their asses handed to them in court.
Roman5: Darksiders, just like the sequel has amazing art direction and design
Yeah, out of all the legit criticisms of Darksiders, the art style being "copy-cat" is not one of them. They poured a metric fuckton of effort into it and it shows.
Paradoks: Unnecessarily. It works fine with mouse and keyboard :).
That's like saying "I can pound in finishing nails fine with a standard hammer", both true and "wtf, why?" at the same time.