SimonG: Now, first of, I don't want to hear any whining about some FPS cap and whatnot, I really don't care.
But how is the game?
Is it actually fun or just overhyped. I'm watching the Amazon deal running out of time and I'm not sure if I should get it.
My overall feel (I'll put some stuff at the end to help you):
I just sold my copy. It's an engrossing game that was positively frustrating at first. And the problem isn't the game, it's the lack of instructions. They say there's no "hand-holding," but what they mean is "We're going to redefine and invent a million terms and we're not going to tell you what any of them mean."
So, when you get it, read some helpful tips.
For instance, the game lets you select a bunch of a classes. But if you want to not die over and over and over and over, you can select one of four or so.
The game lets you select one of a dozen gifts. All of them are useless b/c you find almost all of them right at the beginning of the game or they're just not useful (like +20 hitpoints out of several hundred -- meaningless, or bombs that you can find almost anywhere). However, if you choose the master key, then you can get into all kinds of places early in the game that give you an edge (read: let you survive occasionally).
So, get a guide or read some stuff online and you'll probably like the game. I really enjoyed it.
I took a break from it for about a month (your fault -- I was playing Arkania -- almost beat Blade) and when I came back, I was just too unskilled to keep going for what I felt was very little reward. You die, you take 30 minutes to get to where you just died, and then you die again. It gets annoying that it takes 30 minutes to try something else. But it's also got some awesome moments.
So, overall, I wouldn't play it to beat it, but it was an exceptional experience. If you like action RPGs and very difficult games, go for it.
If you have a console, those versions are getting cheap fast.
And for help:
Be a sorcerer. It's the strongest character you can for quite a while. Save up some souls and buy some spells from the blacksmith guy on the bottom of the elevator after the tutorial.
Don't bother the skeletons. Instead, after the tutorial, find a way to head up the mountain towards a castle. That's where all the action is. After you have some spells learned and some XP under your belt, go back to the skeles. As a sorcerer, they don't have much you absolutely need. You'll kill everything with your spells.
Also, read some guides. Don't feel bad doing it. The game doesn't teach you crap. So read up.
dae6: No need to get worked up over differences in such opinions.
SimonG: I'm not worked about the opinions of others. I'm worked up that I wasted 20$. And even more that some people can't put a sentence together (let alone properly quote).
If others like the game, that is fine. I like weird games too. But that is the shoddiest combat I had in a game since I played Die by the Sword with keypad controls.
I agree. The difficulty of the game is built mostly from the shoddy combat. It is annoying, but it also is where the designers wanted to build the difficulty -- it's all in timing and making sure you have the room to perform your animations.
The game is very annoying often, but also has some neat moments. It took me about a week of solid playing before I got good enough and understood enough to know what the heck I was doing.