TekZero: End: Governs your stamina and equip load. If you plan on wearing heavy armor it is advised you get it to 40 for the max equip load. The equip load stops increasing at 40.
Actually, I'm pretty sure my max equip load increased past 40.
I remember so because I couldn't midroll with a certain helm equipped, so I boosted it up and got it so I could midroll with my weight at 61.5 or so.
The boost in equip weight is drastically smaller, though.
EDIT: Yeah, I checked the wiki. Apparently stamina stops increasing past 40, according to it, but I don't think that's correct either. I'll have to check when I get the chance to play again.
EDIT2: Apparently VIT soft-cap is at 50, according to the wiki.
I actually didn't know that.
I thought it was at 40, as well.
SimonG: Also, I'm really, really thinking of quitting. Came along well with the sipderqueen until she released an UNBLOCKING UNEVADEABLE INSTAKILL MOVE. Talking about fake difficulty...
It's really a shame. So much potential in the game, if it weren't for the cheap thrills.
What move is that?
Because I remember being able to mid-roll dodge all of her attacks, provided I timed it right (couldn't block the fire damage, IIRC, so I two-handed my weapon and tried dodging where I could). It could be possible she didn't use whatever move she used on you on me.
Was it the one where she charges up and unleashes a big AOE attack?
I seem to remember there being time to get away from her once she starts charging.
EDIT: Yeah, she'll start to bend over slowly. When she does that, get the hell away from her as fast as possible.