SimonG: Yay! I reached the bottom of the swamp! Boy, those scaffoldings sure were a bitch. The bottom is much easier to navigate. Thankfully I was in the Darkroot basin before and got plenty of purple moss.
Here is my current char Ans suggestions on which builds I should go?
I've played the 360 version to death. I've beaten the game a few times and got all the achievements. From my experience, it is easier to do it as a "tank" build as you have better defensive stats and are able to block boss hits with your greatshield. However, you lose the ability to roll quickly. But, with heavy armor and a greatshield, you are better off blocking anyway. My preferred build right now (aside from the tank build which I love) is a faith/dex build. Medium armor so I'm not so squishy, a decent shield to block, and 50 faith so I can hurl Sunlight Spears.
My point is... that while I will recommend a build for you to try, Dark Souls can be beaten no matter how you play the game. Ranged, melee, magic, or hybrid... all specs work. I would suggest that you pick a playstyle you like and specialize into it.
1. Ok, before I go deeply into this, much of this depends on how do you play your character and what armor/weapons do you prefer. Your stats are fairly neutral at the moment and it seems like you are at the point where you can start to really specialize. If you like str based weapons, get your STR up to 40. If you like Dex based weapons, get your Dex to 40. Same goes with Int and Faith.
2. TIPS on stats: Try not to go above 40 in any stat as the bonuses you get from raising the stat suffers diminishing returns past 40. Only a few things make it worth it to get past 40 in any stat.
Vit: Governs your hp. The increases per point increase drop dramatically after 40. Don't raise above 40
ATT: Determines how many spells you can "equip" at a time. On my faith/int builds, I nevr went higher than 19 which gives you 5 spell slots.
End: Governs your stamina and equip load. If you plan on wearing heavy armor it is advised you get it to 40 for the max equip load. The equip load stops increasing at 40. Your stamina is the only thing that increases after 40 but keep in mind that diminishing returns kick in after 40 and it is considered a waste of points. If you plan on being a light character, then you can get by with 30 END
STR: Governs the damage done by STR scaling weapons. Only a few (2-3 items) require your Str to be above 40. So if you plan on using STR based weapons (Axes, Swords, Greatswords, Hammers) it is advised that you specialize and take your STR up to 40 to take advantage of the scaling. And if you plan on using the 2-3 items that require 40+ str (Havels Great Shield, Grant), then obviously you need to raise it higher, but it's not necessary to go beyond 50. Diminishing returns kick in at 40.
Dex: Governs the damage done by Dex based weapons (Spears, daggers, katanas, curved swords, whips, bows) There are no items in the game with a DEX requirement above 40. If you plan on using DEX based weapons, then get it up to 40 to take full advantage of the scaling as diminishing returns kick in after 40. Some STR based weapons still have a DEX requirement however. So, If you're planning on using a STR based weapon with a DEX requirement, get your DEX high enough to meet the requirement and leave it alone after that. Regardless of what you plan on doing, there is no point in getting your DEX above 40.
Res: Pointless. Waste of points; leave it at base level and never spend souls on it. The bonuses you get from this stat can be matched and made redundant simply by upgrading your armor. That's it.
INT: Required for INT based sorcery and governs the bonuses you get from magic weapon buffs and the magic/enchanted weapon upgrade path. If you plan on using the best magic in the game, then you can raise your INT as high as 50. The most powerful spell in the game has a requirement of 50 INT. It all depends on what you plan on doing with magic. If you want to use the most powerful spell in the game, then raise this to 50. If you only plan on buffing weapons and using utility spells, then you shouldn't raise this above 20. Keep in mind that INT also governs the damage done when you use the Great Magic Weapon spell on a weapon. The more int you have, the more of a damage bonus you will get. And, any weapon upgraded down the Magic or Enchanted path will scale off of your INT stat, but that is another post in itself so I'm not going to go into details here on why you should or shouldn't upgrade a weapon down the magic/enchanted path.
Faith: Pretty much the same as INT. It governs Faith based miracles and the bonuses you receive from Miracle weapon buffs and the Divine/Occult weapon upgrade paths. The most powerful offensive miracle in the game (Sunlight Spear) requires a faith of 50. (ASIDE: The sunlight spear is my favorite spell in the game, it makes some of the hardest boss fights pretty easy.) So, if you plan on using Faith to do anything other than heal (14 faith), then raise it to the level that you can use different miracles. If you don't plan on specializing into faith that much, 30 faith is a good level and you can use the some of the great miracles such as great lightning spear, wrath of gods, gravelord greatsword dance, and so on. And, if all you want faith for is the heal miracle, then 14 faith is just fine.
BUILDS: Ok, here are what I would do with your stats. I don't know what weapons/armor you prefer so I'll be picking my favorites. I'll be showing you level 120 builds as that is the accepted PVP level right now. And, anything higher than 120 isn't really specialized anymore. You can get to the point where you have 40 in every stat, but that's not really a "build" at that point is it? Also, I'm not a big fan of using the Ring of Favor or Havels ring. I don't like being stuck with a ring I can never take off.
One more thing, my builds are for fun. I don't build guys only using the "best" armor and weapons. I build based on what's fun, not what's always best. Because Dark Souls is flexible enough to avoid the min/maxing.
1. Tank/Magic build. This is the build that I'm using right now. It would work with your current stats.
Heavy armor, great shield, spear. Wolf Ring to add poise (so you don't get staggered) and the leo ring to increase your spear damage. Swap out the leo ring at times for area specific rings (Orange Charred ring, rusty iron ring, etc.). The magic in this build is only for buffing the spear with Great Magic Weapon. It's a hybrid build with STR and DEX pretty much even so I could use a greatsword if I really wanted to.
2. STR based Pyromancer/Int build Mid rolling, magic weapon buffing, firestorm casting sorcerer. The armor is one of my favorites from my Faith/Dex build (it looks freaking awesome together). But it's your choice. The helm and the rings have great synergy to increase your magic and pyromancy damage by 40ish% while the ring of steel protection gives you an added bit of defense should you get hit. I picked the Balder Side sword because it's great when buffed. It's a fast striking weapon and one of the best. I would suggest that you take a normal weapon with this build so you can buff it with Great Magic Weapon. The faster a weapon strikes, the more use you will get out of the buff.
This isn't a tank build, you can block a good amount of damage, but if you can get out of the way by rolling, you should. You could however put on heavier armor for added defense at the cost of rolling speed, or lighter armor to increase your rolling speed, but that's up to you and how you like to play. You are constrained by the 30 End however. Also, this build is kinda friendly in the Titanite Slabs department To max out your equipment, you will only need 1 Titanite Slab to get your Balder Side Sword to +15. The rest of your stuff will take Twinkling Titanite. Those are easy to get.
3. Dex Based version of the same build. Switched the str to dex and changed the Balder Side Sword to the Silver Knight Sword (buffable, looks awesome, great weapon) . With this build, you can also use spears and halberds with ease. Katanas are also a good choice.
This ended up being much longer than I expected. And, I'm sure it's more than you asked for. But, if you need any more tips, let me know.