Mentalepsy: Yeah. I haven't really paid any attention to this game, so I don't really know how they're trying to paint it. There's nothing really wrong with twisting an older tale in a new direction, even twisting "high art" to "low art," but playing it off as faithful to the original when it's clearly not is a different matter.
drmlessgames: I have to agree with this. As someone who read the first of the 3 verses, the inferno part of the divine comedy, and im not by any means an expert, I dont understand where from EA is slapping the work of Dante into this. Someone mentioned Ocean eleven, but this isnt some novel that came out in the usa in the last 3 decades, this is a timeless classic. It's like someone would try to make an action/driving game out of the Cid. In the verses, the main character who is not Dante himself at all, is only taking some sort of tour through the christian hell, with his companion Virgil, a historical figure. He doesnt go around fighting hoards of demons and executing these awesome finishing moves on his way to save his beloved princess. He only takes the tour, because he lost his way in life, not because he wants the woman he loves back. Everything about this game is completely made up. Its not the case of taking "creative licenses" or being a "loose adaptation", its just something completely unrelated and different. They should have just put Gears of the Gods' War as a title instead.
It sounds similar to a freeware game that was based of of some actual mythology about a man who goes to hell to take back his wife. Hades makes deal with him but says that if he looks back she will disappear. He makes it to the entrance and looks back to see if she was actually their. She was still in hell so she disappeared.