Titanium: Bah, politics. I say, lock the browsers onto a room full of rusted forks and see which one comes out alive.
Now see here: in an adventuring party, all classes are needed. You have Firefox, the huge beefy fighter with a fuckton of weaapons and armor to choose from. You have Chrome, the nimble and sneaky thief getting twice or thrice as many attacks per second as anyone else. There's Safari, the bard, does a little bit of everything but excells at nothing. There's Explorer, the wizard, speaking in riddles about old scriptures and whom no one understands the mind of - also very much useless in a hand-to-hand fight. Finally we have Opera, the cleric, though divine and arcane magic are very different domains, she has come to recognise a scant few words of the wizard's inane ramblings and tries to interpret them together with the decisions of the rest of the group, likely with confusing results.
Then there's the player character (the web developer), who can choose either of these classes, and even mix and match to some extent.
Without this group of adventurers, the web would not be anywhere near what we have today.