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ZivilSword: Yes they do. I got an offer yesterday for DEFCON which I already own. I could only buy it as a gift. I don’t know who invented the surprise selection algorithm, but it’s quite bad.
grviper: It would be hilarious, if people open their free games and get Fallout.
someone in another thread their offer be to buy fallout 2 :P
It is pretty lame getting games you already own. I've had a game I already own offered to me all 3 days now.

First day: Ring Runner.
Second day: Sam and Max.
Third day: Defender's Quest.
asb: It is pretty lame getting games you already own. I've had a game I already own offered to me all 3 days now.

First day: Ring Runner.
Second day: Sam and Max.
Third day: Defender's Quest.
Damn, I got lucky - pulled Wasteland on the second day, and that was the only game from my wishlist among all classics reported to be in the draw (so far).
You're right on all points. I'd even support you with a comparison - think what would happen if Steam would position discounts/coupons as "daily gifts" and how much outrage there would be. However, there are two things at play here:
1. GOG never-ever wants to heavily discount games, I remember about 1 year ago their biggest discount was 60% off. Even the "pack" deals with heavier discounts for the whole pack were *extremely* rare (now they are almost a normal thing).
2. Competition is getting more and more stiff and thus GOG is forced to make deeper discounts to keep up.
One of the things GOG is afraid of when making huge discounts is "devaluing the games on the platform" and "customers getting used to deep discounts and thus not buying at smaller discounts/full price". To cater to their own concerns and at the same time to not be left behind compared to the competitors GOG is recently inventing more and more "tricks" that limit the availability of highly discounted games. One of such examples was the Insomnia promo with limited numbers of games being thrown at random onto the scene without anyone knowing how many copies would be discounted totally. This contradicts GOGs own statements on the fact that "heavy discounts educate customers to make bad decisions" as there is nothing worse than making people impulse-buy games, which could be gone at any second and never come back (thus not even giving people enough time to check whether they have the aforementioned games). This self-contradiction is again caused by the above-mentioned reasons.
My advice and forecast would be to wait and be patient and may be in 6-12 months we would finally see the "real" heavy discounts which would be available to everyone for a certain reasonable period of time. This is especially true since more and more indie games come on GOG and those games would never sell much unless they are heavily discounted due to too many indie bundles around and indie developers being overall more flexible about pricing policy (also due to lower overhead costs). In fact even now you can easily see that biggest individual discounts (e.g. 80% off during Insomnia promo) are primarily applied to indie titles.

TL;DR GOG is stubborn in their policy of not discounting heavily thus urging them probably is not going to help, but the market is moving in the direction, which would force them to eventually do it anyway, so we just need to be patient.
asb: It is pretty lame getting games you already own. I've had a game I already own offered to me all 3 days now.

First day: Ring Runner.
Second day: Sam and Max.
Third day: Defender's Quest.
This is going to be more and more likely the more games you own. Do people think it is a random game from the whole site? GoG will have a premade list of games for each box with the level of sale they have secured/decided is worth it for each box. This list will not be that big and it will be possible to have all the games in one of the boxes, or even all of them if you have a large number of games/are unlucky (or a combination of both).
its just something different. Practically the entire catalog is already discounted. The gift thing is just to generate some extra interest and get people to pay attention to it more.
asb: It is pretty lame getting games you already own. I've had a game I already own offered to me all 3 days now.

First day: Ring Runner.
Second day: Sam and Max.
Third day: Defender's Quest.
mabrookes: This is going to be more and more likely the more games you own. Do people think it is a random game from the whole site? GoG will have a premade list of games for each box with the level of sale they have secured/decided is worth it for each box. This list will not be that big and it will be possible to have all the games in one of the boxes, or even all of them if you have a large number of games/are unlucky (or a combination of both).
Yes, I do own a lot. T says that it is weighted away from games you already own though. I've been picking the "Brave New Worlds" as there are more of the newer games that I don't own.
Meh. I think people will always think of ways that they would like sales to be. My opinion is that GOG has good normal prices, they give away games, there are tons of different sales, and while all the sales might not work for me I like that they try new things. This individual sale thing is probably harder to put on than jus making 10 games 75% off each day. I think it is cool they have personalized it. It also gives me an incentive to check back everyday.

I feel like GOG is always trying and I'm not going to nit pick them when it isn't exactly what I want. Their service is still Head and shoulders over other distributers. I'm willing to cut them some slack for trying to innovate
Did you receive a reply from GOG when you sent them your letter?
For me the daily surpise hasn't really worked. in the first day it offered me a sale on Fallout 2, which I just got for free, on the other times it just provided a deal of a game I already have.
tinyE: "2 - no matter how low the price is for 1st world countries, not everyone is from 1st world countries."

No kidding, there are some people here from Canada.
Those poor, igloo-making wretches.
tinyE: "2 - no matter how low the price is for 1st world countries, not everyone is from 1st world countries."

No kidding, there are some people here from Canada.
jjsimp: Those poor, igloo-making wretches.
Someone should tax all that free snow.


I think the mysterybox thing is refreshing. It gave me finally the reason to buy Septerra Core for example, which i would not have bought had it been among huge discount stash.

Anyways, why the rush to own the whole gog catalog at -70% discount this year? I mean i doubt there is single gog account owner who hasnt got backlog of great games to begin with -_-
The first game I got I wasn't interested in and the second and third I owned. So, waiting for tomorrow when I click on the first box for the first time.
Actually I think it's pretty neat the gift box idea, however it would be great if it was an actual gift (free). But I understand they have to make some money.

Hopefully, the final one or the one on Christmas day will be a free game from everyone's wishlist...that would be cool.
Post edited December 14, 2013 by jjsimp
Yes, there are things that annoy me about these "surprises" as well:

1. I got a game I already owned on GoG. (Duke Nukem 3D if you're wondering)
2. I got two games I had no interest in buying. (Outlast, Spacechem) But that's entirely okay! It can't be all for me.
3. Everytime I wished I chose another "gift"... Not really fun.

Okay, time for another try, incidently - let's take a look.

Hm, Influx for 2.49€. Seems nice enough....

Also, why can I neither click the game to look what it is, nor put it in my cart to buy it together with other stuff that is not in my wishlist?
The price on the game's page is also not that of the special gift offer, thus I have to navigate three times over the complete page to cobble together my order... *phew*

Okay, okay, this is a promotional thing and I appreciate it, it's actually quite okay, just very, very uncomfortable.
Cazychel: Yes, there are things that annoy me about these "surprises" as well:

1. I got a game I already owned on GoG. (Duke Nukem 3D if you're wondering)
2. I got two games I had no interest in buying. (Outlast, Spacechem) But that's entirely okay! It can't be all for me.
3. Everytime I wished I chose another "gift"... Not really fun.

Okay, time for another try, incidently - let's take a look.

Hm, Influx for 2.49€. Seems nice enough....

Also, why can I neither click the game to look what it is, nor put it in my cart to buy it together with other stuff that is not in my wishlist?
The price on the game's page is also not that of the special gift offer, thus I have to navigate three times over the complete page to cobble together my order... *phew*

Okay, okay, this is a promotional thing and I appreciate it, it's actually quite okay, just very, very uncomfortable.
It's probably quite difficult to code this so that only the people who randomly got that game get the discount on the game page rather than clicking through from the front.