Timeless Classics:
75% off
(This is the second game I already own that I got in the random boxes, the first being MDK during day one, and the reason I've been picking Brave New Worlds and Random Magic. I own a lot of 'good old games' in here and i'm more likely to get games I already own in the Timeless Classics box than in any of the others, so this is probably my last time clicking on it.
On a side note, I don't blame GOG for this, all people seem to do is bitch and moan about how GOG should handle their sales, how unfair they are, blah, blah, blah. If it weren't for GOG I wouldn't have had the opportunity to play some old games that were no longer available for years, some games I had on disc but got lost or stopped working altogether, and, in all honesty, some newer games I would have missed because I don't endorse Steam and GOG started selling new indie titles as well. Both MDK and Anachronox are *great* games -- really amazing ones, seriously --, so it doesn't bother me to get them even though I already own them, just makes me feel happy that other people could be getting these deals as well and enjoying these same games.)
Post edited December 17, 2013 by groze