skeletonbow: I've been wondering which of the 3 mystery gift categories people clicked on to get the game promos being mentioned here. Every time I click on one it is a game I already own, so I hoped to see what others clicked on and what game it was in hopes they're the same for everyone each day and I'd be able to choose one I want and actually spend money. :oP
Or does each of the 3 categories choose a random game from several for a single category like Timeless Classics for a given day?
Just seems kind of odd for GOG to offer you a game for sale you already own and aren't likely to buy, and not give you some other option to get one that you do want and would actually spend money on. Perhaps the intent is for the promo feature to possibly attract new customers to the site and grow the customer base moreso than to sell games to existing game hoarders? LOL
i had
Deus Ex 2 Invisible War (didnt want it)
Roller Coaster Tycoon Deluxe (had it already - didnt really want it)
Cognition (didnt want it - seems no one does LOL)
Giants Citizen Kabuto (tempted, have it on disk, not on wishlist)
Brutal Legend (didnt want it)
So 4 out of 5 i didn't want, 1 i already had, 1 temped
anyone got any improvements?