IAmSinistar: Oop, sorry, for some reason I thought the deals might change from day to day. I see now that my deal today was available yesterday as well. That's handy at least, so we have a better idea of what box to check going forward.
Hey there, no need to apologize! I don't mean to seem annoyed or anything with the bold text - just want to make sure it stands out a bit in the thread. Again, no worries!
Also, I'm thinking that since it's clear the Random Magic just picks a game from one of the other two boxes, I might eliminate that list altogether and just do something like this:
Timeless Classics Rollercoaster Tycoon: Deluxe , 75% , $1.49 , random
RollerCoaster Tycoon 2: Triple Thrill Pack , 75% , $2.49 , random
Rollercoaster Tycoon 3: Platinum! , 70% , $5.99
to indicate whether that game has also been reported as random or not. I can just keep the Random list restricted to games that have only shown up for people as random deals rather than in the classics or new worlds boxes.