Posted August 05, 2010
Steam mass released all Cyan games today, for the same price as here on GOG (and it's actually cheaper on GOG if you're from Europe, because of the magic of exchange rates). Not only are they DRMed, the page for Riven explicitly says that it "is not compatible with Windows XP". Which it most certainly is here on GOG.
The only thing where Steam wins is the price for the complete pack, which gives you Manhole and two other games basically for free. Still not a great deal. And they do not have the original Myst, only RealMyst.
I like Steam myself, but for the exact same price you'd have to be mad to buy these games there instead of here.
The only thing where Steam wins is the price for the complete pack, which gives you Manhole and two other games basically for free. Still not a great deal. And they do not have the original Myst, only RealMyst.
I like Steam myself, but for the exact same price you'd have to be mad to buy these games there instead of here.