reaver894: havent read all of this so this may have already been stated.
quick summary of what i understand from this topic.
someone has taken several reviews from TC and others. Tc has requested they are removed and the thief has slapped a copyright mark on them and flipped TC the bird. (US meaning of that phrase not Scottish slang)
Now from a legal standing the thief can argue he is the owner and it is the place of the disputer (TC) to prove otherwise. in times gone by this was done usually by posting it to yourself and the postmark is evidence of prior ownership.
In these modern times of the interwebs this is much simpler to do. the thief would be required to provide evidence that proves he created the document before TC. be it the blog or a prior document that has a creation date and last modified date before TC's
The negative of this is that any and all legal costs involved in doing this (if it were to go so far as a court or legal interjection for example) would need to be payed for by the accuser. These costs can sometimes be recouped by proving ownership and suing the thief for plagiarism. Depending on the country this is a pointless exercise. Though in the US I believe you can be sued no matter your personal financial circumstances etc but age does play a role.
Disclaimer: this is based on less than an hour of research. I am not an international lawyer however I do claim itellectual property rights on the phrasing of the above crap :-P
Copyright @ 2012 SimonG