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You are all aware of my dislike of Far Cry 1 calling it dull and way too hard, so when I heard that Crysis 1 was a better Far Cry 1 I took the recommendation and holy shit this IS better.

The Nano Suit is very useful, some people say its just a shooter with a gimmicky suit, but to me it did not felt gimmicky, one time I was surrounded by to many soldiers all ganging up on me, but than I was Maximum Speed to make a quick get away, I could have jsut used my Rocket Launcher to clear them out, but I decided to run and save ammo.

Graphics still look amazing though of course there are some aged looking things like textures on some rocks, but the Water, oh the water looks gorgeous best water I ever seen in a Video Game, and this game was released in 2007 and I thought Halo 3 had better looking water.

And I love the fact there is Q and E leaning, why is that removed in some many PC FPSes its useful, I want more freedom of movements.

Oh and customizing weapons anytime is excellent

The only nitpicks I have, Why can I not look back while driving a car in this game. Also to some degree vehicles are useless.

All in All this game IS better than Far Cry 1 and it still makes me want to come back playing.

Hope it ever comes to GOG :)
Post edited January 10, 2013 by Elmofongo
use speed run close to an enemy and fire with your shotgun and watch them fly and go invisible again and do it another guy,
plus nothing beats super jumping and over the soldiers and fire rocket,, ahh the misery i bought
Elmofongo: Graphics still look amazing though of course there are some aged looking things like textures on some rocks, but the Water, oh the water looks gorgeous best water I ever seen in a Video Game, and this game was released in 2007 and I thought Halo 3 had better looking water.
In my opinion with Crysis on maximum settings, it has the best graphics to date of any game.
It's a brilliant game with tons of ways to play it and it fully enabled player agency. Everyone who says it is boring outright baffles me. It's only boring if you're boring.
Definately play Warhead when you've finished then. :)
real fun game. i wouldnt say the cars are useless. they're not that practical, but they're fun to mess around with and create your own set pieces.
I'm in the same boat, i HATED FarCry 1 thats a tech demo with damn scripts firing you from OUTSIDE closed doors and walls, for Christ's sake.. Even so, no quick save, ganged by gangsters at first sight, horrible, horrible game..

What an improvement with Crysis and Warhead, a world apart! Loved the Predator style and much useful nanosuit, rifles customization, the whole plot taking a turn.. Still impressive engine, have fun!
I was surprised at how much I enjoyed Crysis- I only really bought it because it was on special in the Steam Christmas sale and I'd just got a shiny new PC, so... well, I kinda had to have the infamous graphics-card-melting benchmark for shiny PCs.

Since I went into it expecting nothing but a pretty face, the fact that it had a decent amount of depth after all was an unexpected bonus.
I had tons of fun with this game, it has a really good feel like the sound effects, atmosphere, guns etc..

And as recommended when you're done play Warhead.
I don't get the Far Cry 1 hate. I've played it through long time ago but decided to retry, and now I got hooked up in it (currently in the Bunker level, level 7 I think). Played it until 2:30AM last night...

I was suprised the gameplay and even graphics impress even today. Sure the plants look quite fake nowadays and there is obvious pop up even with maximum settings, but it all still manages to look so lush and nice.

And I still adore the gameplay. Yeah, the enemies gang up on you... just as they are supposed to. The principles that I feel would work in real combat situation seem to apply, ie. hit the deck for better aim and coverage, snipe one or two enemies with your assault rifle or the sniper rifle, and instantly crawl to another place because the enemies will come inspecting your last known position. Then shoot them to the side from your new position. :)

I don't even mind the mutants, in fact I feel they are a nice diversion from human enemies, even though I enjoy more shooting the humans to head. :)

The lack of instant save is indeed a problem... until you realize it is there, kinda. Go to console and give command like

\save_game 1

With that "cheat", I find the hardest difficulty level just right for me. Without it, there would be too much replaying for my liking.

I'm not arguing though that e.g. Crysis games aren't even better. The same basic formula is refined further.
timppu: I don't get the Far Cry 1 hate. I've played it through long time ago but decided to retry, and now I got hooked up in it (currently in the Bunker level, level 7 I think). Played it until 2:30AM last night...

I was suprised the gameplay and even graphics impress even today. Sure the plants look quite fake nowadays and there is obvious pop up even with maximum settings, but it all still manages to look so lush and nice.

And I still adore the gameplay. Yeah, the enemies gang up on you... just as they are supposed to. The principles that I feel would work in real combat situation seem to apply, ie. hit the deck for better aim and coverage, snipe one or two enemies with your assault rifle or the sniper rifle, and instantly crawl to another place because the enemies will come inspecting your last known position. Then shoot them to the side from your new position. :)

I don't even mind the mutants, in fact I feel they are a nice diversion from human enemies, even though I enjoy more shooting the humans to head. :)

The lack of instant save is indeed a problem... until you realize it is there, kinda. Go to console and give command like

\save_game 1

With that "cheat", I find the hardest difficulty level just right for me. Without it, there would be too much replaying for my liking.

I'm not arguing though that e.g. Crysis games aren't even better. The same basic formula is refined further.
My personal experiance is that the stealth is somewhat broken like one time I am at a good distance from a tower with a rocket launcher soldier and I decided to prone on the tall grass (which the game says to hide from enemies, you crouch and prone on tall grass) but somehow despite the distance and the thick foliage the tower soldier still fires a rocket launcher at me.

Mabye the stealth mechanic is busted because of my red shirt lol.

Crysis 1 improves AI so crouching and proning on tall grass does work better/ combine with cloaking lol.

Also that imo Far Cry 1 should have heal with med packs on the go like Bioshock, since this game is very brutal it would be nice to carry healing items (not regenerating health no)

Still mabye I will come back to Far Cry 1 when I feel the itch to conquer it.
I did not like the PC version of Farcry 1... The console version Farcry instincts was a lot better..Waaay better...
Elmofongo: My personal experiance is that the stealth is somewhat broken like one time I am at a good distance from a tower with a rocket launcher soldier and I decided to prone on the tall grass (which the game says to hide from enemies, you crouch and prone on tall grass) but somehow despite the distance and the thick foliage the tower soldier still fires a rocket launcher at me.
Looking at it logically, it is probably not so hard to spot you lying in the grass, if someone is looking at you from a tower from a higher position. :) That's why I try to get the enemies in towers first.

But I agree the enemies sometimes seem awfully observant from great distances and can hit you too... but then I feel the game would probably be far too easy even in the highest difficulty level, if it wasn't like that. After all, you can see and shoot them from great distances too. Just lying in the grass shouldn't make you totally invisible to enemies, especially if you have already fired on them.

I still get lots of exhilarating gaming moments in Far Cry 1, where I am anxiously trying to crawl backwards to a new position when two enemy soldiers are slowly approaching me. We both know we are there somewhere, but can't quite see each other yet. Should I just shoot through the grass hoping to hit the enemy, before he can see my eyeballs?

That said, the game definitely has lots of instant death situations (at least in the highest difficulty), which doesn't sit well with the save game point system. Luckily it is still possible to save anytime too, with a workaround.

I'll get back to Crysis after I'm done with my current Far Cry playthrough. Maybe I should also play Far Cry 2 somewhat, so far I've tried only the first half an hour or so.

Tiefood: I did not like the PC version of Farcry 1... The console version Farcry instincts was a lot better..Waaay better...
Was that on the original XBox, or was there a PS2 version too? Hmm, since I still have a working XBox console, maybe I should try to get the game for it. I see someone selling it second hand for 7€ or so.

Too bad I dislike playing FPS games with a gamepad, that's why I bought Halo 2 also for PC (and finished it there), even though I started playing it first on XBox...
Post edited January 11, 2013 by timppu
It's the only game in which I've been being shot only to have the roof collapse on the shooter unscripted.

It just keeps doing things that I like.

His face was priceless :D
Yeah... enjoy it while it lasts. The game turns to shit once you start fighting the aliens. And I mean shit, not just worse than before or something to that effect. Couldn't believe it myself, thought there surely would be some worth in finishing the damn thing, but no, those few hours were as much of a waste of time as I have ever experienced. Just stop playing once you reach the level... Core I think it is called, and remember Crysis as the fine game it is up to that point.