orcishgamer: I'd actually agree that PC gamers don't understand the difference between complexity and depth, but it's only a technicality, I don't think most gamers (PC, console, or some mix thereof) understand it period.
crazy_dave: Well I think more than that, everyone has their own optimum between complexity and depth and it changes depending on the game genre - i.e. for a 4X turn-based strategy game I expect a skew towards both complexity and depth which I don't expect from other game genres. People saying I feel a certain game has too much complexity for me in review is perfectly fine, even necessary as a game review should reflect the author's opinion. Coupled with the author's history of reviews relative to one's own preferences, a prospective customer should then consider if the review is relevant to whether they would like the game or the balance between complexity and depth.
But truly simplifying a game while maintaining depth (or contra-positively increasing depth without increasing complexity) is one of the hardest and probably one of the most interesting problems in game design.
Well, I don't actually like the words he used, to me there's "complexity" and "obtuseness". Complexity, in the way most understand the word, IS "depth", it adds new levels of game play for the user to plumb, ideally if and when they want, and provides shallower layers to the uninitiated or those that simply don't care to go deeper.
Obtuseness is the opposite of this, it's complexity that has no purpose to it. It's that stupid inventory management system you're always fighting with. It's ridiculous fast travel requirements. There's a million examples, in fact, but you should know it when you see it, because there's actually no reason for it to be there, it could have been done better. It's not challenge, it's annoyance.
The problem seems to be that so many can't spot obtuseness and mistake it for genuine complexity (i.e. game play depth or challenge). It's why you see so many genuinely bad games get defended as "good" all the time.
crazy_dave: But truly, simplifying a game while maintaining depth (or contra-positively increasing depth without increasing complexity) is one of the hardest and probably one of the most interesting problems in game design.
Ah, but these are the gems of gaming. A simple, but complex game, with layers of depth that can be peeled back at will to expose a more rich and fulfilling game play. All the while none of that is required, you can simply "play" at the simplest level of game play if so desired.