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high rated
This is going to be a bit of a massive giveaway, so I'm going to ask for a good bit of effort.

I want YOU to imagine a world entirely your own. Once you do, describe to me all of these things:

1) The general setting. Is it high fantasy on a floating Island in the sky? Or is it a dark, oppressive world where the very air is tainted with poisonous miasma, forcing everyone to live underground?
2) At least 1 city/settlement in your world. What kind of place do the citizens of your world live? Are there even citizens there to build a civilization?
3) At least one creature. Allows more creativity than Spore ever did.
4) At least 1 major natural landmark. What location captures the imagination of every being in your world?

I promise the effort is worth it. Up for grabs are:

Thief 2+3 (no 1, sorry)
NWN Diamond+Planescape Torment
Spellforce Platinum+Myst 2: Riven

The Void+The Cat Lady+Closure
Morrowind GOTY+Oblivion GOTY+Skyrim Legendary (my recent Anthology edition purchase).

Plantetary Annihilation (Steam)+Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri(GOG)

Edit: If you're hesitant to join because you own a game in the grouping you want, I don't care if you trade/regift any of it as long as there's at least 1 game in the group that you will actually play.

The exception here is TES, which I believe only has 1 key for all 3 games.

Deadline: At least 1 week, possibly 2 depending on the number of entries.
Post edited December 07, 2013 by nightrunner227
Any interest, at least?
It might be the furthest planet in the universe where no star cast its light so its dark but it might also be a artificially created world by superior beings to experiment on. Most of the world is covered in ice and snow with fiery volcanos and melting lava scarring the landscape.

In a rift valley lies what seems a massive structure made of stone. It has a circular form and inside it seems to shelter some form of life forms. They look humanoid, their skin is the colour of the melting lava.

Right in this moment a group of them leave the circular structure with weapons in their arms and it seems that they are going hunting. Away on the frozen landscape they had seen a creature with six legs, with shining skin, crawling through the snow. It has 3 horns , green eyes and scales that protect its body. It’s hunting too but it will become the hunted.

The creature is going towards a massive rock formation that resembles a sphinx, and there is where our humanoid group are planning to ambush the three horned creature. This place couldn’t be perfect as it is their place of worship and the violet blood of the three horned creature will run as a sacrifice for the gods.

Is this ok? If it is I am in for Morrowind GOTY+Oblivion GOTY+Skyrim Legendary.

Thanks for the giveaway.
Post edited December 07, 2013 by Melvinica
Thank you for the opportunity, nightrunner227! +1

There is definite interest, as far as it concerns me. Also great timing, starting this creating writing giveaway during the weekend, gives me ample time to properly think about my answer.
Not in, but thanks.
I've built this one on my previous story, so you might want to read that one first if you haven't already.

1) General setting.
It a Middle Earth type of setting. A continent with different land types, there are green valleys, harsh mountains, woods, volcano lands, etc. All land is surrounded by water, but what lies beyond the oceans is a common mystery. In various parts of the continent beside climate people are also different, and some areas (kingdoms/realms) are considered more dangerous than others. Population is entirely human, but not all humans are the same, they have various height, skin color, body parts proportions, habits, etc. There were other races present on the continent once, dwarves and faeries. Dwarf clans almost completely annihilated each other in a greedy underground war for the wealthiest clan. Fate of the faeries took a devastating turn from human’s equals to almost being wiped out when one of their kings went completely mad and started a war with humans because he wanted to cleanse the continent from human ugliness. Now only the last few of these two races remain but they have important roles in aiding human rulers from different realms. Everything is medieval like, but magic is also present although not in some epic form.
2) Cities/settlements in the world.
All settlements are strongholds in different variations. Some are on open field, surrounded by moats, some are located on the edge of a mountain, there are even some underground ones. They also vary in the fact that some are built from scratch and some are adjusted natural shelters. Only some loners live outside of these communities. While one folks live in almost perfect harmony and well-being others found themselves in everyday struggle for survival. In Magical Kingdom of GOGania in every city bakeries make at least 75% of the buildings total. Capital is a perfectly round stronghold divided in two parts. First part takes 2/3 of available space and it’s filled with bakeries and shops, every shop is also a home for the shop owners. In the sole heart of the city is a fountain with a faery statue, constructed to honor the faery that helped in developing a recipe that distinguishes GOGania’s cookies from all others cookies of the world, thus turning it into prosperous kingdom. In the northern part of the city is an area with queen’s palace and a garden with two high towers, one on the each side of the palace.
3) Creatures
Creatures are mostly normal low fantasy representatives like deer, boars, wolves, birds, etc. with some overgrown specimen. Only unusual units are those living underground, especially those created in combination of terrain and magic. For example Volcano Elemental can only be found in deep mines of volcanic region and only arcane magic and adamantium weapons can harm it. It’s part solid volcanic rock (torso and legs) and part magma (hands and head) creature that’s created for the sole purpose of guarding important passages or valuable treasure. Lava bolts from its hands and strong kicks from its legs are competing for the title of the most painful death cause of unprepared adventurers.
4) Landmarks.
Of course, every realm is known for at least one monumental landmark. In the lands of million tulips there is a huge master windmill known as Colloswheel, one cog in its mechanism is big as a average house. It’s also surrounded by many smaller windmills. There tulip folks produce flour in amounts so great that they are supplying whole continent without any problems, GOGania being the biggest importer naturally.

Thanks for the giveaway and an inspiration injection!

I'm interested in these, in this particular order:
The Ultimate Wish
Morrowind GOTY+Oblivion GOTY+Skyrim Legendary (I want this one so much that words can't describe)
Consolation prizes
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
Thief 3
Planescape Torment

Any game that comes as a plus (I guess you were aiming for Christmas packages comparison with these X+Y gifts :)) beside these would be given away or traded (if possible).
You stand on a rocky ledge high on the edge of crater. Looking out over the vast wasteland of sharp jagged rocks and deep meandering cracks in the ground you see many strange and oddly formed creatures. Not the type of creature's you read about, the ones that existed on earth. No these creatures are not sleek or furry, they are not scaly or cuddly. These creatures, with their many jointed limbs, semi transparent skin and bright multicoloured fluids being pumped around inside by 4 hearts. These are the type of creatures you tell kids about to scare them at night.

Finally, tired of looking at the creatures ungainly movements you turn around and look down into the crater. It couldn't be more different then the wastelands that are now behind you. Down below you see a small prosperous city teaming with activity and life. People going about their daily activities, barely taking the time to look at the shiny light blue dome over their heads. Many of the things that brought comfort to them on the last planet they lived on have been brought along with them. Green trees, flowers, grass and even some animals, the ones they call Dog's and Cat's.

Looking at the buildings you cannot help but admire the efficiency of how they were built. These buildings while looking good have been built quickly. Even in just your lifetime this is the 4th planet you have lived on.

Suddenly you hear raid sirens blaring into the purple sky. Looking around you see nothing on the land. Finally you look up and see what you dread, a large shape is hurtling through the thin purple atmosphere. An Asteroid. Squinting your eyes you look closely for the signs. Sure enough, you find rockets attached to the Asteroids. This is not going to end well. Sighing you think to yourself. "Number 5". The 5th planet to be annihilated. Your getting a bit tired of all this Plantetary Annihilation.


However I would love to play Plantetary Annihilation so count me in for that please.
Cool idea for a giveaway. I'll post something later on.
nightrunner227: This is going to be a bit of a massive giveaway, so I'm going to ask for a good bit of effort.

I want YOU to imagine a world entirely your own. Once you do, describe to me all of these things:

1) The general setting. Is it high fantasy on a floating Island in the sky? Or is it a dark, oppressive world where the very air is tainted with poisonous miasma, forcing everyone to live underground?
2) At least 1 city/settlement in your world. What kind of place do the citizens of your world live? Are there even citizens there to build a civilization?
3) At least one creature. Allows more creativity than Spore ever did.
4) At least 1 major natural landmark. What location captures the imagination of every being in your world?
Do you want a game setting or a "what if you could build/rule your own planet?"
I'll just do both with this:

Everyone is oblivious or just dont know how or why they are there... there being a planet sized hallowed sphere... where everyone lives on the inside edge.
It's strange because there seems to be gravity for the inside edge with no spinning nor is the outside edge big enough to generate a gravitional field.
It's also strange that there is a day/night cycle without there being a light source... the place just seems to illuminated, then isn't.
Even more strange is, all one has to do is look up, and they can see the terrain of the rest of the sphere! Mountains, rivers, you name it.
There are no seasonal weather eiter, it is all ways perfect weather with enough rainfall to keep all the plants/people alive.

Some experiment of an advance race, or naturally formed, that is your question...
You play as ???, an inquisitive mind and an inventor, all ways coming up with unsolvable questions andyour goal (adventure/mystery game/sandbox game) is to solve the mystery of your existence.
The location/time frame for this game, is pre-technology... Ie. stuff built with wood and basic metals. No electricity, no overly scientific stuff either, because the worlds population has an easy life.
(easy=no extreme weather, abundance of food and water, no predators).

You of course start off in your very own home/house. You look around it seeing early scientific tools/experiements:
early microscope, artificial light sources, etc. all invented by your character.
You emerge from your home into a city... all simple in nature with a lot of vegatation around with the city being split by the biggest river in the region.
No polution, as noone has to burn wood to stay warm. Also you see a work-n-progress invention, a telescope.

All the creatures are similar/exactly like earth, flying birds, small rodents and small mamuals for hunting for food.
And the only landmark is, that there is NONE-, because since this is my world, I want the inhabitants to not know of my existence!
(though if you was flying a space ship past my planet, the planet itself is the landmark! haha)

spoiler: I designed the world, and I have a super secret, super huge complex nestled inbetween mountan ranges!
(if the inhabitants could only construct a telescope of somekind, and look up, they may see my complex from their home, on the other side of the inside-out-planet ;D this could be a land mark if only the inhabitants knew of it)

That is the premise, want details like which way the grain in the wood is for the tress I can :D

Truthfully, if I could have a wold of my own, I would want it to be technology advance enough to cure me, and allow me to live forever, but that is getting into my real life concerns and not fantasy.

However you do the prize giveaway part, I would very much LOVE to win Morrowind GOTY+Oblivion GOTY+Skyrim Legendary.
Very nice giveaway and I'm in, thanks!
1. Noslom is a surreal dream world inhabited by ghosts of ideas and remnants of people. Everyone claim that there's a system of division for its many miles of area, but I can't see any. The ground is mainly a light blue plain with burrs on the grass. The sky in most areas is bright red and fuzzy. Everything else depends on the place and time, or your mood. From personal experience, I can I've seen both awe-inspiring beauty and dark panicked nightmares between Noslom's grass and sky.

2. One of the oldest settlements in Noslom is the caravan hitching post town of Trouble. "Town" is a loose word, because few of Trouble's residents stay for long. As for the name, a number of bar fights break out between the diverse and colorful travelers that alight there; parents from more privileged cities told there children "Don't go there, it's trouble." I guess it kind of stuck. Trouble's oldest living resident (maybe the only resident that stays, besides the barman, Ruals) is Ole Man Traps. A long time ago (no one's sure how long) he was a trapper, catching whatever animals happened to diffuse into existence in Noslom that day. Once, he was cleaning one of his traps, and it shut closed on his leg. Noslom was just out of reach of his knife, so he was forced to use his fingernails and teeth to cut through his leg. He's kind of a local legend now, and he can always scrounge up a free drink or two from Rual's bar.

3. It's just a rumor, but there's been talk of a destructive presence going around Noslom. I've heard he looks like a hulking, 9-foot man, dressed in filthy rags, and without any eyes. Everyone I've heard talk about him says he goes to whole settlements and just tears them out of existence! Not like a cut in a paper, mind you, but more like...taking out a tumor, and stitching the wound back together. However, I think it's just a rumor. Tell me, how's a man supposed to walk around without eyes?

4. Walk about twenty miles west of Trouble and you'll find Organ Cave. As the name's not pleasant. Walls of intestines, writhing together like slippery cogs in a bloody machine, leaking pus and other bodily fluids. In the middle of the cave is a colossal pile of bones, with much of the skin, muscle, and sinew still attached. At the top of the heap is a bulging white eye, its veins pulsing erratically, the pupil spinning around and only occasionally focusing on people. Not sure what it means; all I know is I can't stand to be there more than a few minutes at a time.

Thanks for the giveaway! I like writing this a lot :D
Count me in for Morrowind GOTY+Oblivion GOTY+Skyrim Legendary
(and if it's possible to have a second option, The Void+The Cat Lady+Closure if I don't win that)
Not in, but +1 for the giveaway and the creative challenge!
1) Catalyst Island, the outcast of an otherwise normal world. This island is strange, and almost fascinating, the surface bathed upon with crystals of different color and structure, growing upwards above ground despite the typical growth patterns elsewhere. The island is bathed in several very distinct biomes across the 50 miles of surface area, in thanks to the high peak of the center Catalyst Mountain, stretching upwards for 5 miles itself with hills and valleys separating the habitats. Rain pulls itself away from the western half, accumulation fed by the eastern water flow, turning into desert. The crystals are bathed yellow and red from the sands, etched into spheres at the rare winds that circle through the landscape. And still, with no mineral, no water, the formations grow, pushing upward by unknown forces. The eastern biome, which collects rainfall, is lush colorful. Water falls incredibly year around, and the colorless/green crystals grow wild as the jungles, before stretching downward like fern and brush. To the north, where the sun obstructs, the landscape is a miasma of fog, magma stretching as a river from Catalyst Mountain, before suddenly stopping a mile down. The heat feeds the mists of rain that shower over from the eastern biome, most of which lands upon the surface as snowfall in the land away from the lava. The colorless/blue crystals here are rare, existing only in the zone between snow and heat where they do not melt, and can still be fed from the flow. Still they glow bright, reflecting the magma flows as a beacon, and a warning to those who draw close. To the south, swampland. Fed by the water runoff from the east, and the hot sun directly on its surface, the vegetation lays small, obscured by massive crystalline structures in rich green and gold from the compounds in the soil.

The name, Catalyst Island, comes from the unstable nature itself of each of these crystals, responding to difference stimulus. The desert crystals risk explosive compression with collections of cool air, with larger formations being at higher risk. However, for the long decades, or even centuries of sand grinding, they can conduct a current, a charge built up by rubbing a fragment within a bowl of sand. These crystals are also hard as iron, imperfections and growth heavily controlled with each time period they are worn. The forest crystals, with their downward spikes and growth, are incredibly sharp, but brittle. The tips are frequently found gathered in large piles underneath the crystals, either by wayward wandering creatures or falling brush, make for expendable tools. These tips can also be gathered, and set upon in another area of the forest. If large enough, these will eventually grow into their own formations. The frost laden crystals glow bright blue when exposed to heat, lasting for many hours into the day, and further into the night. These are difficult to extract from the ground however, as each is fed from a larger underground collection. If exposed to the direct cold for a long period, the glow will shift to a white light, as will the color of the crystal. The swamp structures are the most unstable. Thick cold makes the formation shatter repeatedly until little more than dust and seedling fragments remain. Submerged crystals in water cause it to heat and bring water to boil. The crystal when hot will slowly absorb water and grow, though losing its properties when diluted with the swamp water minerals. . Rumors say another formation and type hides within the mountain structure, fed upon by heat, mineral, water, that combines all of these crystals into a potentially explosive object. What few crystals that are directly on the surface of the mountain are too small to experiment with, or simply reflect the nearest biome in property.

2) Two villages rest within this island, one upon the desert by the ocean, and the other nestled within the untamed forests. Each lives a life of seclusion, unknowing of the other, having raised themselves with different ideology. The desert villagers rely on the ocean for food, and borrow from the snowy north crystals to use for lighting. The single village has a large collection of blue crystals sealed within magma shaped glass, to keep the town lit and safe at night. Local crystals are built upon as the central structure of a tent, and cared for dutifully by its residents. Water is supplied by a well, dug down beneath the sands to collect from an underground spring fed from beneath the mountain. The forest residents without the heat of the desert found no use of the snowy crystals, and had no means of protection from the cold. A smaller village, they roam continually, using the local crystals for hunting and fighting one another for sport. The swamp crystals, what little can be gathered safely, are used to feed a central cooking pot in the village, everyone dining together in communion and sharing details of their days hunts, gatherings, and interesting musings.

3) The local animals have not taken advantages of the local crystal except for some manor of safety. The most interesting of these creatures however is unconfined to the biomes. In the English tongue these are called "Crystals who Travel". They are a strange, 5 limbed creature that stay near the mountain, usually high, but attracted to the shimmering of crystals towards the bottom. Three legs in a triangle pivot in a wide range of motion, with what appear to be 4 fingers surrounding a central pivot at each feet. Their bodies are jagged and rough surfaced, and upon them growing numerous shimmering crystal of purple that shifts to blue tips, resembling the very nature of this island. Each arm, short and stubby reach from around a single central eye. The ends of these end in shears with a blunted tip, suggesting that they use these to break apart crystals from the more inhospitable regions and carry them. The rare bodies found, dead, lend to the rumor that underground are more unique formations.

4) Only one major landmark dots the island, dis-including the biomes and mountain itself. At the very top of the central peak is the remains of the original volcanic explosion. A flat surface sits at the top,and over it a balloon of crystal that continually changes over time from the magma hiding beneath. This structure carries the light of the sun, and the lava flow underneath, to form a natural lighthouse. The light from this structure doesn't reach down to the lower biomes, but can be seen from many miles away, a sign of nearby land for those who are lost without direction. Travelers are often led to meet one of the two tribes by this reason, where both parties can learn of the other's respective worlds. For those who are unkind, the villagers turn to their natural crystals as weapons, well known and well used, to take for their own the hidden goods within the ships.

Okay, now that that's done with: I'm interested in the Anthology Pack of Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim, Spellforce Platinum, and the Thief games. The anthology is my preferred however, with Thief 2+3 as my secondary, and Spellforce as my third.

(Post Edit Note: If you choose victors over this weekend, I will not be in contact until Sunday Afternoon at the earliest should I be one of them. Thank you for the notice)
Post edited December 12, 2013 by QC
Oh yeah, ii you're hesitant to join because you own a game in the grouping you want, I don't care if you trade/regift any of it as long as there's at least 1 game in the group that you will actually play.

The exception here is TES, which I believe only has 1 key for all 3 games.
Had to +rep you for a very original giveaway-context :-)

Not sure yet if I'll enter, but since you don't mention it in your OP, when's the deadline?
HypersomniacLive: Had to +rep you for a very original giveaway-context :-)

Not sure yet if I'll enter, but since you don't mention it in your OP, when's the deadline?
I don't really know. I figured I'd give a week or 2.