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I think my biggest achievement is every time I do a new personal fastest lap in GTR2, after playing it for so long time it just gets harder and harder to be even 0.1 s faster and when that perfect lap happens it gives me a relly great satisfaction and so the vicious circle go on.

In for Arcanum. Thanks for the giveaway.
AlKim: Not to mention some luck. Imagine what your 13-year-old self (I think that's how old he was then) would have felt if your mom had turned off the console while you were at school or if there was a blackout or something.
S/he did this at age 13? That's so awesome! The poor Playstation must have been left running for hours while your friend attended class... Unless s/he did it during the weekend, then it would've been much more manageable. ;-)
I'm in for Divine Divinity.

You did say VIDEOGAME. Back in the early 80's I played Gauntlet, the original arcade classic. I liked playing as the Wizard and after putting in my 1st, and only quarter, I was able to play forever. It took me a while to get this good. One day in particular I went to an arcade near Denver, CO. Put my quarter in around 8 am, played till around 12:30 and built up so much health (you had to eat food constantly) that i turned the game over to this little kid, maybe 9 yrs old, and went to get some lunch and other stuff. I came back around 1:15 and the kid was still playing with my quarter. He gladly turned the game back over to me (only had about 300 health left) and I wound up playing that game till 10 pm that night, with a few other helpers while I ate, went to bathroom, etc... Unfortunately, I had to get home by 11 so when I left for the night I turned it over to the arcade owner who had come by numerous times to check out my progress. The next week he told me he had been able to play till 2 am that night before finally dying. I had left him with around 12000 health.

I never met anyone else who could beat the game that badly except my Father, who, by the way, was the guy who taught me how to program, hack and in general have fun with computers!
dragonsreach: my 1st, and only quarter,
Wow! That is extremely impressive (imo) O_O
Not in. +1

Greatest gaming achievement? Having 0 unit losses while playing the human campaign of Warcraft 2. Couldn't repeat the feat with the orc campaign as polymorph is an insta-gib...
I jump in it (for Startopia)!

Achievement n°1: Ghosted (as much as possible) through Thief 1 on expert difficulty.
Achievement n°2: Read every single bit of text in Deus Ex (and attempted to finish the game without harming anyone).
Achievement n°3: Finished Cat Mario (Syobon Action), and can finish it now without dying.
Achievement n°4: Can transcribe from memory every single music track from Unreal (+Na Pali, + Tournament), Deus Ex, Jazz Jackrabbit 2, Heroes Of Might And Magic II, Alone In The Dark (1992), the Quest For Glory and Space Quest series (and a few other games).
Achievement n°5: Attempted to hold my breath for 10 minutes like Guybrush Threepwood (pulled off ~5 mins, do NOT recommend attempting this).
Post edited October 02, 2013 by ichtyandr
I'll be closing this at 7.00am (GMT) on Saturday, October 5, just in case anyone else would like to enter.

In unrelated news, Final Fantasy VII is on sale at Steam for $5.99 for the next few days. My brother just picked it up and I've been watching him play. The graphics are good, probably just a little better than using an emulator with max settings/shaders/rendering and the sound has been surprisingly decent. (Although he's still right in the beginning.) I may have to get a copy for my next giveaway! ;^)
ofsaturn: In unrelated news, Final Fantasy VII is on sale at Steam for $5.99 for the next few days. My brother just picked it up and I've been watching him play. The graphics are good, probably just a little better than using an emulator with max settings/shaders/rendering and the sound has been surprisingly decent. (Although he's still right in the beginning.) I may have to get a copy for my next giveaway! ;^)
AlKim: A friend of mine allegedly finished FFVII without a memory card. I didn't know him at the time, though, so I can neither confirm nor deny this.
I challenge everyone to do a no-save playthrough just for the sake of it.
Thank you for your generosity, ofsaturn! But beware, making GAs is REALLY addictive. ;)

In for Punished_Snake. ;)

One of my favorite games of all times is Mafia: City of Lost Haven. Those of you who played it before the patch which corrected the issue, surely will remember the hellish racing car. I've to try it 25 or 30 times (I was very close to win it several times, but I always made a mistake soon or later). One of the few times I was severely tempted to throw the keyboard throught the window (yeah, that's right, I was playing Mafia without a controller at the time). Finally I beated the level and for a few, ephimeral moments, I feel myself like the best gamer in the world! :D

Later somebody tell me there was a way to cheat the race (I think it was something like a shortcut), and finally the developer released a patch balancing the mission.

That wasn't the only time the game throw all its weight on me. I recall certain mission in the Port. I guessed right what to do, but I get wrong how to do it. So I've to replay the mission several times (damn snipers! :D) until I got to kill all the enemies in the scenary. That gave me time to learn how to end the level. ;)

And then it was the fight with the final boss.... :D

However, I absolutely loved this game and I hope some day GOG will be able to bring it here. :)
Thespian*: One of my favorite games of all times is Mafia: City of Lost Haven. Those of you who played it before the patch which corrected the issue, surely will remember the hellish racing car. I've to try it 25 or 30 times (I was very close to win it several times, but I always made a mistake soon or later). One of the few times I was severely tempted to throw the keyboard throught the window (yeah, that's right, I was playing Mafia without a controller at the time). Finally I beated the level and for a few, ephimeral moments, I feel myself like the best gamer in the world! :D
This reminded me of Battletoads. The worst part was that it looked like a genuinely fun game -- it had cool fighting moves, you could pick up weapons, you could ride small fire-breathing dragons, you even fought an enemy from the point of the view of the enemy. But then this game threw so much bullshit at you and turned into an experience of controller-snapping frustration. Here's a bit of a taste what it was like: Many people gave up on that level, and it wasn't even the hardest one.

As a result of this, I tend to laugh whenever people complain or brag about difficulty in modern games that are not even close to Nintendo hard.
AlKim: I challenge everyone to do a no-save playthrough just for the sake of it.
Haha, I'll pass your challenge along to my brother! He's great at those kinds of things, speed runs and no-saves. He beat Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (for the Playstation) using Richter with no saves on his very first try! I would give it a go, myself, but any time I spend with Final Fantasy VII is dedicated to progressing my technically perfect save file. Ah, nerd-love. ;*)

Thespian*: Thank you for your generosity, ofsaturn! But beware, making GAs is REALLY addictive. ;)
That's so nice of you to enter for someone else! And yes, they do seem to be addictive. (Already working on my next one.) BTW, your avatar and tag line are hilarious! +1
Post edited October 05, 2013 by ofsaturn
Mrstarker: I have ascended in Nethack as a wizard. It took me years. I'm not entirely sure how to convey the countless hours I have spent building up a character only to have them starve to death or get drowned by a kraken or get smashed by a drawbridge or get petrified by a cockatrice corpse or eat something poisonous before getting poison resistance or have a hallucinating pet kill them or get nibbled to death by a newt after being paralysed by a floating eye or eat one too many royal jellies while being satiated or have wands explode in the inventory after getting shocked by a monster or put a bag of tricks in a bag of holding or pick up stuff in stores with teleportitis or decide to fight a soldier ant.

Prize: Wizardry 6+7
This post made me laugh out loud, but more than that, Wizards seem to have several rather serious handicaps in the game, especially in the early levels. I'm sure this was no easy feat, so congratulations, Mrstarker, you've won! Please check your PM for your gift code of Wizardry 6+7, and thanks so much for participating!!
No, thank YOU ofsaturn for holding this giveaway. Another +1 to you!

Congratulations Mrstarker!
GabiMoro: My greatest game achievement?

In Medieval Total War I won a battle against much larger force (7-8 times larger). The enemy had like 1000 troops mostly infantry (not peasants, but more regular troops like spearmen and militia), some cavalry and archers.
All I could do was retreating on a small hill and let them come. They shoot their arrows and surrounded me, but my troops kept faith and I used my cavalry to destroy the routing units.

After a while I only had my general, the Varangian Guards and some 2-3 soldiers from different other units. They were so tired I couldn't pursue any routing troops. The enemy ran away for 100 meters and kept coming back until I finally won.

I also finished Pyjamarama on Spectrum.

I'm in for Arcanum. Thanks ofsaturn!
Heavily outnumbered, completely surrounded, utterly exhausted, and with little hope of survival... These are the kinds of battles that make my whole body tense up and my pulse quicken! Thanks for joining in and sharing the tale, and I hope you enjoy your new copy of Arcanum, which should be arriving in your PM box shortly. :-)


A big thanks to all the participants, I really enjoyed reading your stories and hope to see you around the forums or in my next giveaway! Have a great weekend, everyone, and congratulations to the winners!


EDIT: I just saw GabiMoro's post and I know what you're thinking, but I swear, I had already chosen him as a second place winner and was typing up my second message before he posted! Hahaha, talk about bad timing! *facepalm*
Post edited October 05, 2013 by ofsaturn
ahahaha, and congrats to me! :)

We posted exactly at the same time, 26 minutes ago.
Thanks again ofsaturn!