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ofsaturn: - All characters have their maximum natural HP/MP.
Holy what. I'm quite the completionist myself (my personal bane is stat upgrades in HoMM3/5 campaigns - every recurring character must have all of them!), and I played Goldboxes without losing consciousness and Anvil of Dawn as a roguelike, but games that are as plot-heavy as FF7 put my completionism into hibernation. That's some impressive dedication.

Forgot an episode:
There are things money can't buy. For everything else, there's WPE.
There were blatant haxxors competing for the armor, too. Most of them got banned real fast, but one still caused problems, and I didn't want to push for his - anyone's, really - ban so as not to be accused of snitching my way to victory. The built-in XP caps helped to prevent exponential XP farming, but he grew filthy rich for a 30-something on level 80 drops. I was financially struggling, as appropriate for my level. Then I got lucky enough to loot a super-rare tradeable purple axe, low-level to be only really needed for hardcore arena participants (there's no level loss in WoW, so characters intending to compete at low-level arenas are left at the top levels for the arena of choice and are equipped with the best items endgame money can buy). This happened in the wee hours of morning, and of course I showed off my find in General. The haxxor was just the right level to wield said axe and pestered me with increasingly ridiculous cash offers. I told him an evasive no, I can't really sell it, I'm in a guild and it's up to the guildmaster. In the afternoon, the guildmaster logs on and tells him point blank No, we're not selling, it goes into the guild bank as soon as we can afford a guild bank. The haxxor ragequits and never comes back.
Schnuff: Thanks for the giveaway +1
not in because i have them already :p
Momo1991: Not in but just wanted to say congrats on your first GA and thanks! ;-)
triock: This.
chezybezy: Not in thankyou, but wanted to pass on a huge congrats for your first giveaway!
mainly not in as id end up churning out several and you want me to pick one! but great idea!
Awww, thanks you guys!

Starmaker: Holy what.
That was my reaction to your ever-so-casual mention of almost being murdered! O_O
Ranking your Level 80 bliss over outmaneuvering an assassination attempt... <-- Now *that* is some real game dedication! ;-)
Couldn't help but notice your mention of particle physics. Was this your area of study? I'm absolutely fascinated by the topic, and physics in general. Enthralling stuff!
Post edited September 28, 2013 by ofsaturn
thanks for the GA! &+1! :D

in for Vampire The Masquerade - Redemption

Biggest achievement for me is being ranked on top 10 in red alert 2 multiplayer,getting to the point I had to use a clock before exterminating my oponent,because wins under 3 minutes didn't count.

and,on the same game,beating the 1st ranked clan at 2v2
Plus the reason I stopped playing it: westwood implemented a patch that shows enemy rank before a game started,and gave you the option to cancel the game. So I pretty much stopped playing because no one would play versus me. :P
A friend of mine allegedly finished FFVII without a memory card. I didn't know him at the time, though, so I can neither confirm nor deny this.
Congrats, ofsaturn! +1 for your generosity.

As far as gaming achievements go, take your pick.

1) Way back in 1981, I figured out a nearly surefire way to tromp all over my foe in Stellar Crusade: maxing out one of my ships with marines and transporters (with enough firepower to penetrate their shielding, and just enough shields to survive the first round of strafing). I'd take over one of their ships like an invading virus, then drain the shields and blow up my own now-empty vessel before they could reclaim it and return the favor.

It was my first taste of powergaming, and I loved it. Now I'm a diehard min-maxer; I can't enjoy anything unless I can figure out a gamebreaking exploit. (Which is why I never play MMOs; I know better than to inflict my own brand of insanity upon the public at large. :p)

2) As a further example of my RPGing OCD, I have played and replayed Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor over two dozen times, in order to develop and tweak the perfect character with which to solo the game. Ditto, with Arcanum.

3) And just to show how much of a badass I am, I once caught MewTwo in Pokémon Blue (the original version of LeafGreen, for the original Game Boy) without using the Master Ball; I'd already used it to capture one of the legendary bird pokémon. Go me.

"That's right, that's right, we bad, uh huh, that's right."

In for Divine Divinity. 'Cause you know, god mode and all that. ;)
was very satisfied when i managed to finish Baldur's Gate 1+2, after one year or so

in for Wizardry 6+7, thanks
Well, i'm in, most played game was Skyrim, it's so complex that i spent over 2000 hours in it making all variations of characters and combinations of skills but mostly i liked an assassin made on dual wield on dirks that made over 3000 dmg, calculating like 14x dmg x2 (dual wield) each one with 15x dmg from sneack skill, i killed a dragon in 1 strike :D. and that was orgasmic :D
P.S. i forgot to say that i find the game complex because it's very worked out in mods that enhance and change the gameplay, alot of people work on it.
In for Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura
Post edited September 29, 2013 by vortex_neo_2002
In for Vampire The Masquerade - Redemption.

One that comes to mind is playing through each mission in Hitman: Blood Money without getting shot. If I got shot, then I would restart and play again. Of course I could have gone completely Iron Man and played right from the beginning of the game, but I still considered it quite an achievement in itself.

Thanks and +1.
I'm in for Startopia!

I think that one of the most love for a game thing i (and many others) had some years ago (and not now because the automap on modern games) are those nice maps we draw of the dungeons for games like Eye of the Beholder or Bloodwych (any classic RPG in fact). I may have some of them on ruled notebooks... those were the golden years of RPGs for me... :)
I know this may seem lame, but my greatest achievement is beating Call of Duty: World at War (The last decent CoD game) on Hardcore. The hardcore mode was so hard, it actually took me THREE days to beat ONE SEGMENT (About two weeks to beat the game) on a mission. It was infuriating. The hard part wasn't even the gunfire, no, it was those god-damned grenades. I still have nightmares about them *Shudders*. "Why?" You may ask? Well, I'll tell you. In one mission in particular, enemies would lob about 2-3 grenades every second directly at my cover, forcing me to find new cover, trying not to get shot in the process. Once I would get there, the same process would happen, and would keep happening until I died or, God Forbid, I actually move to take out the enemy without being annihilated by gunfire. But, I eventually did beat it, and let me tell you, there was mead ad wenches for everybody! Good times :)

In for Arcanum and thanks for the giveaway :)
In for Wizardry 6+7.

My craziest achievement was soloing Might and Magic 4+5: World of Xeen with only one character without reloads.
Not in (own four out of five already), but a +1 to you, giver, sir. :3
AlKim: A friend of mine allegedly finished FFVII without a memory card. I didn't know him at the time, though, so I can neither confirm nor deny this.
Shock and Awe! That's pretty impressive, if true. The game spans 3 discs and averages over 40 hours, so your friend has some serious skills. =)

MorphysLaw: Not in (own four out of five already), but a +1 to you, giver, sir. :3
I'm a giver lady, actually, but thank you all the same! ;-) Currently working on the puzzle for my next giveaway, hopefully that one will have a game or two you're interested in, so keep an eye out and thanks again!
Post edited September 29, 2013 by ofsaturn
In for Wizardry.

well let's see.

Biggest accomplishment is probably getting all the emblems in Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. Also spent hours on the phone coaching one of my younger cousins through the games (well mostly chao stuff).

And I made it through Imperishable Night extra, but that's not much of an accomplishment really since most of the patterns are gimmicky and if you know the gimmick it's not all that difficult. >_>

Also I helped confirm the existence of and discovered the triggers for the alternate route and recruiting Nadia in ZoE: Fist of Mars when hardly anyone on the internet even knew it existed, and got credited in a faq for it.
AlKim: A friend of mine allegedly finished FFVII without a memory card. I didn't know him at the time, though, so I can neither confirm nor deny this.
ofsaturn: Shock and Awe! That's pretty impressive, if true. The game spans 3 discs and averages over 40 hours, so your friend has some serious skills. =)
Not to mention some luck. Imagine what your 13-year-old self (I think that's how old he was then) would have felt if your mom had turned off the console while you were at school or if there was a blackout or something.