JMich: Space on the case may help with the airflow for cooling, so best to have empty spaces than crammed ones. As for "overspending" on the motherboard, since you are using both PCIe, it's not overspending, if you had them but didn't use them, then it would be overspending.
As for your previous comment on Windows, are you talking about
this video? If yes, give me 50 mins and I'll probably be able to answer any questions you have, assuming I recall the installation process :P
You may be able to answer it without watching, but yes, that's the video. I'm confused on the very first part after you put your Windows disc in the optical drive, turn it on, and have it come boot up off that drive to install Windows.
It looks like he's partitioning the hard drive, but it sounds like he's saying he's not partitioning the hard drive. I couldn't make sense of what he was saying. And while I've installed OS before, the last time was Windows 95 lol. So I'm not sure if there is some sort of requirement to partition the hard drive or not. And can you even partition an SSD???
I dunno, I'm so confused on that part and I've watch that little secion of that video plenty of times to tell me it doesn't matter how many times I watch it I'll still be confused.
Coelocanth: Should be in the manual, or numbered on the motherboard itself. What's your board's brand and model?
Well, I'm looking at the invoice right now. And it says:
ECS Golden Z77H2-AX(1.0) LGA 1155 Intel Z77 HDMI SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 ATX Intel Motherboard.
Does that help?? lol, I can't remember what the brand name was (Elite something or other) and my empty box is buried at the bottom of the big box with LOTS of other empty boxes on top of it. And for some reason, I'm not finding the manual right now, which worries me more than the box being buried. lol
EDIT: Ahh, whew, found the manual. The brand is [Elite Group] lol, the manual was in.... the... err... ahm.... reading room! That's a good name for it. Right?? lol. I've gotten so I can't even go if I don't have something to read. lol