OldFatGuy: THANK YOU to all for the congrats!!
You know, I just figured out something else that is TOTALLY AWESOME about a self build, that was driving me crazy with computer I purchased.
I'm looking at my desktop right now, and you know what's on it???
The Recycle Bin.
That's IT.
That's ALL.
OldFatGuy: I don't have to worry about what I guess some folks were calling 'bloatware" (although admit I'm not sure and might be misusing that term) but whatever you call it, it always drove me nuts.
The day you turned a new computer on it had a significant amount of desktop space and who knows how much hardware resources and I still think unnecessary behind the scense always running tasks, and it was and is old. This very laptop I'm typing this on is a prime example. Both new computers, both Windows 7 computers....
And you wanna know something else that is completely AWESOME tonight????
I am, right now, playing one of all time oldie but goodie favorite games (sorry, it's not a GOG game, although IMO it is a GREAT old game), Age of Empires. The first one. Before there were numbers. Still my all time favorite. I liked 3 a little, probably cause of the time period, but 2 I just didn't like, and have ALWAYS ALWAYS loved the original.
And I'm playing that right now on my brand new, self built, Windows 7, computer.
There used to be an old beer commercial (Old Milwaukee I think) that had the tag that i'm feeling right now. "It doesn't get any better than this.""
THANKS AGAIN SO MUCH to everyone. You may think I'm exaggerating but I'm not. I simply would NOT have done this, and succeeded at it, without your help. I dunno how I can ever properly thank you all.
I am forever in your debt.
Thank you, one and all.
Again, congrats. Don't take anything away from yourself: you built this. You definitely got some great input from a number of forum members here, but you're the one that put it together and you're the one that sorted the problems out. Give yourself a huge pat on the back and enjoy your new rig.
Now... how long before you figure you'll get the itch do do another build? lol