OldFatGuy: I swear to you, I'm holding the manual (both of them, though one is for the Virtu MVP) and there are no codes. None. Not in this copy. I gave it my nephew, and his friend, and there are no codes in there. We've gone through the thing one page at a time. I'm telling you there are no codes in my manual.
JMich: I know, a few references for the motherboard I found complained about the same thing. Assuming that the manuals are indeed for the board you have (skim through them when you find the time), it would be best to download a copy of them, not to mention printing the last pages and storing them with the physical manual.
Yep, gonna do that. THANK YOU very much for the info.
Okay, I THINK I've got a bad graphics card. Here's what I did.
1)Put GPU#1 in SLOT#1 ALONE-Got good signal.
2)Put GPU#1 in SLOT#2 ALONE-Got good signal.
3)Put GPU#1 in SLOT#1 & GPU#2 in SLOT#2- NO SIGNAL
6) Put GPU#1 in SLOT#2 & GPU#2 in SLOT #1- Got good signal.
But, with both cards in, and good signal, I look under system devices and one of the two cards is showing an exclamation point and clicking on it reveals:
This device cannot start. (Code 10).
I'm guessing GPU#2 is bad, but I don't know what Code 10 is. Gonna do a google search to see if it helps.
MMM, google tells me code 10 error is almost always driver error. Maybe not a bad GPU??? Why would one GPU work and not the other??
Well, anywho, what I'm going to do now is go ahead and install Nvidia drivers to see if that helps. Still think I've got a bad GPU though.