Psyringe: We can't know yet. The freedom fighters seems to have won this round, but the copyright control corporations will still try to reach their goals, and their warchest is far from empty. The question is whether they regard it as more favorable to pick up SOPA/PIPA again at a later date, or to use other channels for a while, and prepare their next big move better.
Personally I believe that the PR damage to SOPA/PIPA is too big to be mended. I expect to see a few months of relatively little action while the lobbyists prepare their next moves behind the scenes. And I expect their next steps to be either not targeted at the legislation at all, or to at least come in the form of smaller amendments that can be sneaked in without causing so much publicity.
The corporations will also try to support the "right" presidential candidate in exchange for at least _some_ support towards their goals, so I believe that the next big move is likely to come after the elections. Personally IÄ'd be wary, and I'd especially try to keep the topic of internet censorship on the agenda during the coming (pre-)election period. The more definitive statements against internet censorship can be wrested out of the candidates prior to the elections, the less leverage the copyright corporations will have afterwards.
No I dont think they will stop, however the future of these 2 particular bill's will undoubtedly put a dampener on any further bill's until they have the backing of not just the goverment, but the public and internet users as well. And they wont ihave that if they try this same kind of thing again.