spindown: Okay, it's really late for me and way past bedtime. But I think the solution is pretty simple, see the picture I attached. The ant reaches the end of the string after 100,000 seconds and after traveling 100,000 kilometers (including the stretching of the string). Look at the plot to see why it can reach the end of the string -- basically the length of the string goes linearly with time, while the position of the ant goes quadratically.
At t = 100,000 s, the ant will have traveled 100,000 cm (1km) and the rope will have stretched to 100,000 km. Some streching will have occurred behind the ant (virtually moving it forward), but most will have occurred in front of the ant (greatly increasing the distance it has to travel.
EDIT1: After 100,000 seconds the ant will have traveled 1 km under his own engine. But any uniform stretching of the rope AT ALL will make it so he does NOT reach the end of the rope at t=100,000 s. The distance behind him will have increased dramatically, but much, much more rope will still be in front of him.
The answer will be >>100,000 s.
EDIT2: Calculus method:
any distance along the rope = x
start (0 km) = x0
end of the rope = x1
(x1 changes based on time steps)
x1 travels away from x0 at speed = v
(v = 1km/s)
t = seconds
total length of the rope is x1(t) = x1(t=0) + v*t
the intermediate lengths of rope will be traveling at different fractions of v based on position:
speed of rope at point x = vx
vx = total speed * fraction = v * (x/x1(t))
Verify: vx0 = 0 km/s, vx1 = 1 km/s
basic ant speed (1cm/s) = a
total ant speed under stretching is therefore: a + vx
EDIT4: OK, therefore:
ant speed = a + v * (x/x1(t=0) + v*t) , ant speed is a derivative of its position x
EDIT5: Now I'm just cheating (SPOILERRRRSS):