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MonstaMunch: I don't get it. The rules are that when a pawn gets to the end, you get to pick a piece, it doesn't have to be a queen, so it wasn't going to be stalemate.
The way I got it was by going to "View Games", setting the next move there (e2-e1) and it should then prompt you for what you want to promote to. While I would prefer a rematch, I can pass it over to you, since it is a software fault (though I think it could have been avoided).
Ubivis call.
Ubivis: Based on the official rules, this game is correctly treated as a draw.
MonstaMunch: Why? Based on the rules of the game, I could have picked a knight instead of a queen, then gone on to win.
Here is the PGN Code of the Game, can you please let me know, where you have reached the base line with a pawn??

1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. Nc3 dxc4 4. e4 e6 5. Bxc4 b5 6. Bb3 Bb4 7. a3 Bxc3 8. bxc3 f6 9. d5 cxd5 10. exd5 Bb7 11. dxe6 Qxd1 12. Kxd1 Bxg2 13. f3 Bxh1 14. Bd5 Ke7 15. Bxa8 g5 16. Ke2 Kxe6 17. Kf2 g4 18. Be3 Bxf3 19. Nxf3 gxf3 20. Bxa7 Nh6 21. Bxf3 Rc8 22. Bd4 Nc6 23. Be3 Nf5 24. Bg4 Ne5 25. Bh3 Rxc3 26. Bd4 Rxh3 27. Kg2 Rd3 28. Bxe5 fxe5 29. Rb1 Nh4 30. Kf2 Rxa3 31. Rxb5 Nf3 32. Rb6 Kd5 33. Rh6 Ng5 34. h4 Ne4 35. Kg2 Rg3 36. Kh2 Rg7 37. Ra6 Rg8 38. Rh6 Rg7 39. Ra6 Rg6 40. Ra5 Ke6 41. h5 Rg5 42. Kh3 Rxh5 43. Kg4 Rh1 44. Kf3 Nd2 45. Ke2 Nb3 46. Ra6 Kf5 47. Ke3 h5 48. Kf3 h4 49. Kg2 Ra1 50. Rh6 Kg5 51. Rh8 Ra6 52. Kh3 Rh6 53. Rg8 Rg6 54. Rb8 Nc5 55. Rb5 Nd3 56. Rb3 Nf4 57. Kh2 e4 58. Re3 Re6 59. Kh1 Kg4 60. Kh2 Nd5 61. Re1 e3 62. Kg2 h3 63. Kh2 e2 64. Kh1 Nf4 65. Kh2 Ng2 66. Ra1 Rd6 67. Rd1 Rxd1 68. 1/2-1/2

You would have reached it with your next turn, but it is JMich turn and he is unable to move which made the game draw.
MonstaMunch: I don't get it. The rules are that when a pawn gets to the end, you get to pick a piece, it doesn't have to be a queen, so it wasn't going to be stalemate.
JMich: The way I got it was by going to "View Games", setting the next move there (e2-e1) and it should then prompt you for what you want to promote to. While I would prefer a rematch, I can pass it over to you, since it is a software fault (though I think it could have been avoided).
Ubivis call.
I don't mind having a rematch, it's still possible that the game could have gone on to result in a stalemate, but as it stands it just automatically selected queen instead of letting me pick a piece, which was how the game ended the way it did.

Ubivis: t is JMich turn and he is unable to move which made the game draw.
He's unable to move because the game automatically gave me a queen, he would have been able to move if it had let me select a different piece instead.
Post edited September 03, 2012 by MonstaMunch
MonstaMunch: He's unable to move because the game automatically gave me a queen, he would have been able to move if it had let me select a different piece instead.
I am sorry, but from the record, you never got a queen. With your last turn, you took his Rook with your own, your Pawn is still standing one field before the ground line.

From the system side, I can't really say anything what you are talking about, as it never happened. Your new promoted piece would have been next to JMich Rook. Whatever you have your pawn promoted to, he has taken it with his next turn.

The bugs with promotion are known (page 2 or 3 of this thread) and there is a workaround stated. The developer of the system is already looking into this, but this can take some time to be fixed.

If you are both fine with it, I can set up a rematch.

Please both keep in mind that promotion has some bugs.
Ubivis: If you are both fine with it, I can set up a rematch.
No problem either way with me, up to MonstaMunch.
Ubivis: If you are both fine with it, I can set up a rematch.
JMich: No problem either way with me, up to MonstaMunch.
Cool, though some crazy stuff is going on here at the moment so I might not have internet access that frequently over the next couple of days.
Rematch set up
Ubivis: Rematch set up
A suggestion for next time that this is needed, switch sides of the players.
Ubivis: Rematch set up
JMich: A suggestion for next time that this is needed, switch sides of the players.
thanks, will do :)

Hopefully next time, the turney system is more advanced, that I don't need to set up every step manually ;)

And maybe the PC Client is working again then (it is a nice little problem with high-Poly 3D Chess Figures). Works quite fine, but seems not to be compatible with the new server version at the moment ;)
JMich: Game finally finished, damn the time zones difference. Nice game Nroug7, wouldn't mind playing again, but I hope we manage to find a time when both of us can play (like the 50 or so moves until the promotion bug) :)
Waiting for the next match.
Challenge accepted, Sent you a challenge.

I won't lose that horse so easily this time.
Nroug7: Sent you a challenge.
Challenge accepted :)
And once again, careless with my pieces. Damn you MonstaMunch, somehow you are controlling my mind :P
I don't get it. I'm looking at the match, which apparently was tied, but I can't see the reason why. Or is the viewer bugging out too? Last move was black rook eating white rook in square D1, and now it's white king's turn to move. But he cannot move, because then he would get eaten by either the rook, pawn, or isn't that a clear checkmate? And not a draw? Shouldn't Monstamunch had already won?

edit: added picture of what I'm seeing
chess.png (73 Kb)
Post edited September 03, 2012 by DProject
DProject: But he cannot move, because then he would get eaten by either the rook, pawn, or isn't that a clear checkmate? And not a draw? Shouldn't Monstamunch had already won?
My king isn't threatened, but I have no legal moves. That is a stalemate, not a checkmate.
DProject: But he cannot move, because then he would get eaten by either the rook, pawn, or isn't that a clear checkmate? And not a draw? Shouldn't Monstamunch had already won?
JMich: My king isn't threatened, but I have no legal moves. That is a stalemate, not a checkmate.
right... was once the only way for me in my first tournament (about 20 years ago) to not lose a game :)