groze: Oddly enough, 6 out of circa 30 people answering this thread are americans, which are actually the only ones entitled to answer, as the NSA/CSS is an US organization. As much as we, europeans, can sympathize and empathize with what americans are going through -- or might eventually go through -- the fact is that our governments and our secret service organizations respect their citizens a lot more
There are two separate things: US (government) spying on its own citizens (I have no strong opinion on that, as I am not an US citizen), and US (government and companies) spying on non-US citizens (I'm interested in this, as it covers also me).
As I said earlier, I am not interested in the information that NSA, CIA or whatever are spying (not only US citizens, but also abroad). Of course they do, I didn't expect less from them.
I'm more interested on the information whether the US companies, who also operate abroad, are really willingly co-operating and helping their government to spy abroad. So, when people suspect that some Chinese (telecom etc.) companies are doing that for the Chinese goverment(***), should similar allegations now be set upon US companies?
Related to that, I also find the reports interesting what exactly the companies are doing with the data they gather about us (even if they didn't deliver that data to their governments). Like the reports of some companies collecting data of cancer patients, and selling that information to companies making cancer drugs so that they can pinpoint their advertising to those who might have cancer.
(***) Just a couple of weeks ago, at least here in the news there were allegations by some ex-CIA operative from US, who was blaming e.g. Huawei for spying for the Chinese government (Huawei makes e.g. telecom technology for phone operators and ISPs, and offers services to maintain their networks). I also think Huawei has been earlier rejected from e.g. Indian and Australian networks for similar non-technical reasons/suspicions, no matter whether they are true or false.
Are US companies any better then, should they be treated with similar caution abroad?