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low rated
Please let me be frank and disclose a few things.

I understand if this is preaching to the quire, but I still want to talk about. If you are still a console gamer yourself I have nothing against you personally only against the busyness model you subscribe to.

So I'm not going to go too much into the how the PS4 is just a better PS3 and pointless and I think everything has already been said about the Xbox one.

However, what I want to talk about it is the DVD cases of all things. I walked into EB games today and picked up one of the empty cases for the x box one and PS4 and I was surprised to find just how flimsy they are. I mean the 360 and PS3 cases were nothing special but it feels like a warm breath would melt these things. It makes me angry not just the fact that $99 games are sold in these things along with scratch insurance for an extra $5 but the fact that it displays the exact type of attitude this industry has for it's consumer.

I firmly believe that consoles are a waist of everybody's time and both the industry and the consumer base will benefit when these boxes that you plug into your TV to play games are a relic of the past like VHS.

That's my two cents and I just wanted to comment.


Okay it looks like I'm going to have to clarify a few things since people seem to be taking what I said out of context.

So let me try again.

Yes I am complaining about the boxes that games came in; no I am not a trolling. I am also not talking about those consoles from over a decade ago so retro console fans you guys can relax.

I didn't bother going over the million other reason as to why I hate consoles so much because I didn't think I had to but now it looks like I might have to.

So what is a PS4 and what is an Xbox one.

To me a PS4 is just as slightly better PS3 what does it do that even remotely interesting or new. All Sony really did was sell it on the bases that's it's not as bad as the xbox. The systems themselves might be cheaper then a PC but a console gamers do not live a cheaper life. Studies have shown that console gamers spend far more money then PC gamers do. There is no master race nonsense here. Console gamers are being had that's all there is to it.

In today age consoles are like VHS and have no reason to exist at all. They are only regretted to work for a year and will probably break down before the new system is out. Exclusive are not a benefits to the consumer but to the manufacture of the console.

In short what is the point of spending so much money on a box to plug into a TV and can be dwarf by a half decent PC.

The main reason I talked about the DVD cases is because, I was surprised at just how cheep and these companies are and how many short cuts they will take.

PC games did come in flimsy card bored boxes yes, but that you held with things. They are more frail I'm telling you. Much like that box you call a console which will probably over heat and die before the new one comes out.
Post edited March 14, 2014 by Magmarock
But...but...the gameses, precious! What about the gameses, eh?
Hmmm... I still do enjoy my PS2 and its games from time to time.
But I have to admit that I also did manage to put the games in in a different kind of case.
At least they put the game in a case though, just wait till the future when they're going to just inject it into your brain down at the shop
I firmly believe you are a joke or just unfunny troll.

This was honestly the dumbest argument against consoles in the history. Oh and by the way console boxes are way better than the stuff PC games come in. Most of new releases on computer are in some kind of cheap plastic and its really sad that once great boxes that I would display are now like some 99 cent dvd.
high rated
I feel like I lost a couple of IQ points from reading the OP.
spindown: I feel like I lost a couple of IQ points from reading the OP.
You shouldn't have waisted your time reading it then ;)
spindown: I feel like I lost a couple of IQ points from reading the OP.
Me too. I guess I'll be the one to post it.
spindown: I feel like I lost a couple of IQ points from reading the OP.
D'uh. Splelling iz sooo nine-tieyenen-nintits
I was going to respond to the OP but he spelled three words wrong and used some common expressions in questionable ways. This is very important.
That's funny, just yesterday I was considering the idea of buying an old Sega Genesis or SNES... just for cold winter days... and for nostalgia's sake.

I think the console thing sort of peaked around the 16 bit era. It was the last time all the major console makers were putting out equally decent games and hardware, it was the last era when third party devs really had a part to play in the console market. Now everything you see console-wise online or in stores is all EA and maybe one or two other big distributors. The talent has been absconded, the competition isn't there much any more, and frankly, the console audience has been dumbed down to the point of being rage quitting brats with ADD.

If the console crowd continues this way into the future, they'll lose their attention spans altogether and we'll end up with the kind of games we had at the beginning... like PONG. Imagine that, an electronic entertainment industry being so successful at sucking the life juices from their audience that they turned an entire generation of young people back onto the original simple products that got that industry success in the first place.

I suppose we all do come full circle in life, don't we? Well, it's not really full circle... it's just another rotation on the hamster wheel. Another piece of cheese?
Edited because I have OCD and couldn't word the damn post how I wanted to.
Just forget I was here.
Post edited March 14, 2014 by AdamR
Emob78: [...]and frankly, the console audience has been dumbed down to the point of being rage quitting brats with ADD.
AdamR: I was about to argue that this is overgeneralizing and stereotyping and whatever, but at this very moment, my adult neighbor is literally screaming curse words at the top of his lungs while playing The Last of Us. I haven't played it - is it really that frustrating?
Part of 1 of 3 compilation... console gamer rage...

Some truths are indeed self-evident.
AdamR: I was about to argue that this is overgeneralizing and stereotyping and whatever, but at this very moment, my adult neighbor is literally screaming curse words at the top of his lungs while playing The Last of Us. I haven't played it - is it really that frustrating?
Emob78: Part of 1 of 3 compilation... console gamer rage...

Some truths are indeed self-evident.
First clip was pretty funny, but then it was just 8 minutes if how awful humans can be
StormHammer: But...but...the gameses, precious! What about the gameses, eh?
was that a Canadian Smeagol?