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Snickersnack: Gampads look simple but it actually takes a while to build the dexterity necessary to use them effortlessly. Once you have that, FPS designed around a gamepad should present no problem.
This is true, I suppose- I've playing RR: Flight of the Sages with a 360 controller, and my friend was astonished that I could navigate smoothly and get nice hits, but I guess since I am used to swiveling the stick around, I've taken it for granted how well it can respond. But it really all depends on how well the game is designed around controller use..though, that doesn't stop me from using the gamepad for most of my PC games :p

As for FPS on consoles- every game is different to an extent, and takes getting used to- you should adjust after an hour or two of gameplay.
just lower the sensitivity bro. There was a time when FPS was a sin on consoles but I think more and more shooters will be released on consoles. The most fun fps games are console exclusives, like Halo, Killzone.
Post edited December 19, 2013 by Zurvan7
grinninglich: I bought a television so i thought it is time to try my PS3 at last. There is a game i want to play for a long named The Darkness. The atmosphere and game is great but it is a FPS and actually playing a FPS with a controller is a nightmare. It really take away from the game. How can console players play FPS games? And why nearly every FPS game is made for console too? That is astonishing because it is a torture to play them!!
The way FPS controls are handled between PC and Consoles is very different, a mouse has a much higher resolution than thumbsticks which means it can use coordinates and feels more intuitive.
Thumbsticks have to work by movement, the further you push the stick the faster it will move, which in turn is not as accurate, console games usually compensate that with liberal use of autoaim or increased damagespread.
Wether it is PC or console it is still possible to get crappy controls, perhaps The Darkness is one of them.
Or it is just that you're so used to PC FPS controls over the years that console controls have become intollerable.
I just tried playing shooters on a controller for 2 months straight and still never got used to it. It's terrible, absolutely unplayable for me. Don't know how people do it.
Zurvan7: The most fun fps games are console exclusives, like Halo, Killzone.
Wait a second... Someone with a Cate Archer avatar calling console exclusives the most fun?
Surely they are not more fun than NOLF?
Post edited December 19, 2013 by AdamR
I only buy and play them on console if they are console only...they are optimized for gamepad.
For every other i prefer the old mouse/keyboard control from my PC.
Zurvan7: The most fun fps games are console exclusives, like Halo, Killzone.
AdamR: Wait a second... Someone with a Cate Archer avatar calling console exclusives the most fun?
Surely they are not more fun than NOLF?
DO NOT COMPARE NOLF with any other shooter xD, lol

I didn't mean that all console shooters are fun, I don't even like playing fps on consoles (don't even own one) but I'm saying that besides COD and BF the pc doesn't have many other NEW shooters. The old shooters are fun but you people barely play epic games like NOLF anymore. COD and BF have dominated the market on the pc and they are both multiplatformers. Everyone is saying that Titanfall will change that but when I saw the EA logo, I was disappointed because I know I will not buy a EA title again and specially not on release.
Zurvan7: DO NOT COMPARE NOLF with any other shooter xD, lol
That's more like it!

NOLF was actually the first FPS I played with a mouse and keyboard.
I had previously only been playing N64 shooters like Goldeneye, TWINE, Perfect Dark, and Turok. But the instant I tried NOLF, the controls felt just perfect. I couldn't believe I had been neglecting the mouse and keyboard for so many years.
I only bought one console FPS ever again, for PS2, and I was never able to get used the controls.

And of course, NOLF turned out to be the greatest video game I have ever played. Nothing comes close.
Zurvan7: DO NOT COMPARE NOLF with any other shooter xD, lol
AdamR: That's more like it!

NOLF was actually the first FPS I played with a mouse and keyboard.
I had previously only been playing N64 shooters like Goldeneye, TWINE, Perfect Dark, and Turok. But the instant I tried NOLF, the controls felt just perfect. I couldn't believe I had been neglecting the mouse and keyboard for so many years.
I only bought one console FPS ever again, for PS2, and I was never able to get used the controls.

And of course, NOLF turned out to be the greatest video game I have ever played. Nothing comes close.
True NOLF was really fun back in those. That was my first shooter as well as a kid (like 11 years ago :p). Second one was good but nothing like the first one with epic story, funny dialogues and VARIED missions. I mean you had underwater missions to space missions... Community is dead now though, some people still chat up on the FB group.
Idk, if it's an action game, moving around your character with the wasd keys feels so prehistoric.
I'm betting high on the steam controller
I really am
this may sound strange but I prefer a gamepad for fps. im just no good with a mouse and am quite accurate with a controller in my hand
*Night, is your masterrrr*
It's not very difficult actually, when an FPS is primarily designed for console, I play it on a controller on PC as well. My advice? Man (or woman) up and make it trough the tough controller transition period - you'll be fine then. It'll never be as precise as mouse and keyboard, but ... eh.
blotunga: Hmm, people on gog use consoles? I'd never touch a console myself with a 10 foot pole.
Hmm. people on gog started shamelessly flamebaiting? I'd never touch those people myself with a 10 foot pole.
Post edited December 19, 2013 by Fenixp
grinninglich: I bought a television so i thought it is time to try my PS3 at last. There is a game i want to play for a long named The Darkness. The atmosphere and game is great but it is a FPS and actually playing a FPS with a controller is a nightmare. It really take away from the game. How can console players play FPS games? And why nearly every FPS game is made for console too? That is astonishing because it is a torture to play them!!
I don't. I tried Red Dead Redemption, my first "shooter" (or rather open world game in wich you need shooter like aiming when shooting stuff). A game that has so much I would love but I probably will not touch it ever again.

Sadly I bought that new Deus Ex for my 360 too on the same day (few months ago). I have not tried it yet, but I expect a similar "that could be so awesome if I could get my mouse & keyboard working with it" let down experience.

Beat em ups, 3rd person melee and other "classic" console style games are something entirely different.