grinninglich: I bought a television so i thought it is time to try my PS3 at last. There is a game i want to play for a long named The Darkness. The atmosphere and game is great but it is a FPS and actually playing a FPS with a controller is a nightmare. It really take away from the game. How can console players play FPS games? And why nearly every FPS game is made for console too? That is astonishing because it is a torture to play them!!
The way FPS controls are handled between PC and Consoles is very different, a mouse has a much higher resolution than thumbsticks which means it can use coordinates and feels more intuitive.
Thumbsticks have to work by movement, the further you push the stick the faster it will move, which in turn is not as accurate, console games usually compensate that with liberal use of autoaim or increased damagespread.
Wether it is PC or console it is still possible to get crappy controls, perhaps The Darkness is one of them.
Or it is just that you're so used to PC FPS controls over the years that console controls have become intollerable.