Posted April 10, 2012
low rated
Broad-brushing is what creates these problems, not solves them.
You know what else creates these problems? Dogma. Being so blinded by and dedicated to your side that you cannot see the truth. Which side has traditionally been against education? Which side attacks the DoE consistently? Which side tries to force religious textbooks into our science classrooms? Which side is Rick Santorum on? Rick perry? Michelle Bachman? Ron Paul? Which side opposed the civil rights movement in teh 1960s? Which side opposes gays and women's rights right now? How many 'Leftist' rallies can you point to where Liberals were holding signs that read "Niggur(SIC) go back to Kenya!" How many Liberals have made the claim that Barrack Obama was not born in the U.S.? Remember Conservative Democrats like Hillary Clinton do not count because they are NOT LIBERALS! Berni Sanders is a Liberal. Dennis Kucinich is a Liberal(with his own irrational beliefs). I think you are mixing up "Liberals" with "Democrats".
And you've been broad-brushing all over the place to try to refute what I'm saying, which is that we need to look at each case individually, and that each person needs to be examined as an individual.
Yeah that is all fine and dandy but you cannot just ignore the massive and consistent racism and other bigotry coming from the Right guy. What you are doing is akin to someone in the NFL asserting that macho-attitudes and testosterone are no more common in the NFL than they are in women's tennis. Instead, you're using that brush to say Conservatism leads to racism (it doesn't, at least not any more than Liberalism does),
I have never said such a thing and I would kindly ask you to use the quote function so you know exactly what I AM saying. that Republicans are doing the mass-grouping of people (even though they're the ones calling for fact-finding in the Zimmerman-Martin incident instead of automatically branding it a racially-motivated killing as some of the racist left has done),
Some on the left(a good many in fact) DID do as you say in branding Zimmerman a racist(something still not strongly evidenced) but that is pretty irrelevant here. No one is saying that Conservatives are racist because they didn't rush to judgement in the Trayvon Martin case(even though they DID rush to judgement! Just not the same judgement that others were rushing to.). That 'Stand your ground' nonsense is one of those 'subtle racisms' of the Right(like the different sentencing guidelines for crack vs. powder cocaine). It doesn't state anything explicitly racist but we both know you won't be seeing a black man getting away with shooting a white man(even half-white) down in the street saying 'he felt threatened'. that if someone identifies with a right or Conservative ideology then he or she is likely to be a gun-toting racist, possibly bent on violence.
MORE likely to be, yes. That is a fact. Hell your own POLLS reveal this! I have known several Conservatives who were not racist so I know it isn't everyone but for you to sit here and pretend this is not a major problem within the Conservative spectrum is just dishonest. Again, not all Conservatives are racist but all racists are Conservative is a pretty accurate synopsis. Newsflash: this right-leaning libertarian atheist supports gay marriage, doesn't own a gun (though we're looking at it, for target sports), and is married to a Mexican. Broad-brush that.
Welcome to Liberalism. You are welcome here. ;) Again, don't take the examples of the punditry and think that they represent the majority of those who lean right, just as I won't use Maher and Schultz, Maddow and Olbermann, Garofalo and Baldwin, and the absolutely racist Jackson and Sharpton to determine how "most" liberals / progressives think.
You can use most of those with no complaints from me. Garofalo, Olberman, Maddow...all great Liberals noted for their rationalism and unimpeachable grasp of the issues. Mahr is mostly Liberal(though like me he comes down on the Conservative side on some issues). But what cracks me up here and betrays your extreme dogma is the fact that you compared a bunch of rational-thinking, sane individuals for the Left to the crazies such as Limbaugh, Fox News' pundits, the Tea-Party speakers etc.
The most important and grounding principle of Liberalism is that everyone deserves the same civil Liberties, regardless of class, race, gender, religion(or lack thereof) etc. You need at least that much in order to BE a Liberal. The driving principle exhibited by Conservatives these days is that most people do not deserve the same rights as white males. One small example was when that doctor/lawyer won his appeal with the 9th district circuit appeals court to have "In God We Trust" removed from the pledge. Liberals applauded this on principle because Christians should not get special mention or endorsement within the AMERICAN pledge of allegiance.
Conservatives went on a week long tirade over the matter.
And look at the various new voter registration laws being pushed by Republicans. Every one of them designed to discourage or prohibit blacks and young people from voting because most of them will vote for either Democrats or Liberals.