hedwards: Sigh, Hitler isn't a leftist, he was a fascist which in modern American terms makes him a conservative. The leftists at that point were the communists. And unfortunately, what he was selling isn't that much different from what the extreme far right is selling these days.
This is why the phrases "left" and "right" are a bunch of crap. It's really just a way to strawman people who disagree with you. Examples: "You're a leftist... like Stalin!" "You're a right winger... like Mussolini!" Nonsense.
But fine, tell me how you're breaking down pre-war Germany into "left" and "right"? You've got social democrats, (CLASSICAL) liberals, monarchists, socialists, communists, national socialists and so on. Who is on the "left" and the "right" there? I mean if you're going to end up putting the national socialists, classical liberals and monarchists on the same side of the aisle then you're basically admitting that the label means nothing.
I haven't been following the OWS much lately as I'm not in the US, but I don't recall seeing any Jew bashing going on.
Google. It's the usual "Greedy Jews control everything" stuff.
And Farrakhan is just a racist bigot, the only reason he's not included with the conservatives is because he's the wrong religion. If you actually listen to what he's saying he isn't that much different from the hate and bigotry you find on Fox.
I think NOI is a good example, but if you want something better try the New Black Panther Party, which is not only racist as all hell, but is the ideological descendent of the rabidly left-wing Black Panther Party.
Mind you, I'm not necessarily calling the original BPP a racist organization, but the NBPP is for sure.
The stereotyping of "conservatives" is funny considering one of the major conservative candidates for POTUS this time around was a black man. So how Herman Cain can command any authority amongst conservatives if they're mostly racist is beyond me. Naturally those who associate with what they call "the left" tend to label people like him an "Uncle Tom" which is a rather different type of racism - but racism nonetheless.
But again, I'm more of the mind to altogether abandon these left/right splits and just call a spade a spade.