bansama: This reminds me of a UK TV series a few years back. I forget the name of the series, but they basically go out of their way to trap cowboys. This generally involves a house set up with a bunch of hidden cameras and mikes, actors and a very easy to fix problem specifically created by an expert in the field.
In one particular episode, they were going after a PC repair guy who would do call outs. So they got a high end PC with top range parts in it and then created a simple problem (don't remember exactly what the problem they created was now, but it was probably nothing more than a lose cable).
They call this guy out, IIRC he finds and fixes the problem without letting the owner know, makes up a new problem and states he needs to take the PC with him to fix it. They let him have the PC and a few days later he returns it.
They get their expert to look at it and find he's actually stolen most of the high end parts, including the graphics card, replacing them with far inferior parts. And naturally, billing them for it. -- Of course they knew this is what the guy does. So when the hosts of the show confront him over the theft, in his dash to get away the guy does serious damage to his expansive car. Talk about karma =).
Now if I could just remember what show that was, as it have it on a DVD somewhere...