mystikmind2000: Ok i got home about an hour ago and started this computer. It was loading up ok then the monitor suddenly went off as if i had turned off the computer!
So i opened the compuer, swapped the RAM around again, jiggled all the connections, closed it up, then it loaded up no problems at all!
I noticed the SATA connection to the HDD seems quite loose, but then again all these SATA connections seem quite loose compared to the old IDE (which may be out dated but at least they know how to plug securely!).
sqlrob: If swapping RAM around fixed it, you just might have a ticking time bomb of failing RAM. You'll want to run a memory tester overnight to check for failures.
This is usually a boot CD (or stick), can't do it properly when a full OS is running. I think the Windows install CD has some sort of checker, and most Linux live CDs have the option to do so as well.
Yea, it could be RAM, but i'm more inclined to think it is the graphics card (which i also jiggled a bit). I also mentioned earlier in the thread that it appears quite a bit loose (but not so loose that it can knock around in the slot).
I'm starting research on a new computer anyway - i like to buy 'Bare bones' systems.
Given that i do not have all that much control over what is in a bare bones system (depending on the flexibility of the options given) I am not all that fussed at which brand of motherboard etc etc is in it, however if anyone has any knowledge of what brands/models to avoid - that i would like to know?
Edit: oh and i am not a fan of on board graphics or sound unless the board is generally better despite the on board rubbish.
rather than having on board graphics and sound, it would be of far more benefit to the customer to put those wasted resources towards increased backwards compatibility for older graphics and sound cards.