sanscript: [i] BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) crashes are commonly caused by 3 things;
1: Bad drivers (manufacturer's code) and usually incorrectly blames on the operating system.
2: Faulty OS/HDD (i.e. corrupted)
3: Faulty CPU/Memory/Mama board/PSU (Power Supply)
(Usually in that order)
As the second post above mentions about rootkit/malware/adware/viruses/worms - usually it is not enough to do a system cleaning. But since your HDD are a "tad old", I suggest getting a new one, reinstall, and copy over personal files / games you might bring over. You should always have an external backup disk.
Going through event viewer usually gives more headache then solutions, that`s my experience anyway.
If that doesn`t work, then you have to to go trough a separate check list, just to eliminate what hardware that work / doesn`t work[/i]
KneeTheCap: [i] "tad old" means it's what, 5-6 years now? Something like that, so maybe it's time to replace that anyway. I have two, and windows is installed on the older and smaller one. The other HDD is much newer, maybe 3 years.
About that power supply, if its faulty, wouldn't that mean the crashes would be more frequent while playing? So far the most common place for the comp to crash is while its loading something (Windows desktop, a game and stuff like that).[/i]