mystral: You don't need to play one or the other. Your PC can also stay neutral and either play a combat specialist or a thief.
The most fun I had in any playthrough was with a diplomat character who recruited NPCs to do the fighting, and resolved most quest peacefully by convincing people to give him what he wanted.
For that you only need very high charisma, max persuasion, high intelligence and possibly above average beauty. That should even leave you with some points to experiment with other stuff.
I definitely need to play Arcanum at some point, it sounds so much like the kind of game I would love. :) Though it'll have to wait until after the weekend, since I'm going off LARPing Thursday-Sunday. :D Yarr piratin' it up!
Bodkin: Then choose the third way - Swordsman with great talking :) Max this is quite easy, so you will still have few point's for tech/magick.
How i miss my strong but inteligent ogre, though he talk like an idiot - because the background trait.
Don't normally go for the fighty types, but this sounds like I would be able to make the fighter-type I would like. :D