Navagon: We seem to be fairly close to a new generation of consoles so now is probably the worst time to get one.
No, they're cheap as hell now and the libraries are huge. Even the best titles are for sale used and dirt cheap, used controllers and third party doo-dads abound, there is no better time to take advantage of current gen than right now.
If you're in the US your gold sub will make your XBox 360 behave pretty much like a Roku box, PS3 will do many of the same things.
The best console at the launch of this gen was easily the PS2 for the same reasons (vast library of cheap titles, cheap hardware, ubiquitous peripherals, etc.).
jefequeso: It's a matter of personal preference.
It doesn't even have to be a choice/preference, both platforms can be had for so cheap, consoles especially so just now, with more titles than anyone but a kid on permanent summer vacation could ever get through.
You might as well have both, there's literally no reason not to at this point.