Crosmando: Nah the footage I watched was of the Soviet campaign. It was basically an exact copypasta of "Enemy at the Gates", even the crossing the Volga in boats under fire scene was copied, and then the evil Commissars sending the conscripts to their deaths etc. It looked pretty cringeworthy and it's annoying because almost all WWII games rely almost entirely on stereotype and not on historical research.
Then I wonder what they thought of Medal of Honor whose Soviet campaign started with that exact scene, complete with Commissars executing a conscript that jumps overboard right after the boat gets riddled with gunfire. It's second mission also showed retreating conscripts being gunned down and you even get shot if you turn back and 'retreat' towards the start of the level.
rampancy: Actually, I would like to see a WWII game with a campaign told from the Germans' point of view, but one focused on Germans at the front caring little for Nazi ideals and more about their own survival/the survival of their friends. Movies/story like Das Boot and All Quiet at the Western Front show that such a game could be done that way while still underscoring the evils of Nazism.
As would I, I'm guessing that even now it may be a bit too taboo to have a wargame where you play as the Nazis. I can understand this though, I just did a cursory search for such a thing and came across a certain racist forum where they were looking for a particular type of game that dealt with the administration of concentration camps. Suddenly I felt
way too uncomfortable to continue any type of search. :(