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high rated
This is a list of sticky-worthy threads, amassed here to ensure ease of navigation, and to ultimately maximize your gogging experience ;) Comments, criticisms, and additions are more than welcome.

*note* This will be updated often, when needed.

((For newcomers)):
Or Introduce Yourself to the community

--------------------------------------------------The Meat: Fundamentals--------------------------------------------------

Members Game Wishlist - Post your wishlist, check out others', and someone may feel charitable enough to gift a GOG or two.

Gaming Deals Thread - Good deals on digital or hard copy games found around the net. Always updated with replies about fresh deals.

Free games list and 3rd party mods - Hundreds of links to free games, free game sites, and 3rd-party mods.

The Ultimate Free Software List - Great list of free software and tools for your PC.

GOG Recommendations Thread - Unsure about purchasing that GOG? Well ask the veterans whether a game is worth your cheddar.

GogPM Thread - Our "official" external Private Message system. Works like a charm!
GogPM Site

GOG IRC (chat) - IRC chat for those that like to communicate NOW!

The GOGcast - The GOGcast, still in it's infancy. Pants not required.

GOG Contest Index - An index of current and past contests run by members in the forum. Constantly updated by yours truly.

Unofficial DVD Covers for games - Original list. Great resource if you like to have hard copies of your GOGs.
Alternate list of covers - Made by a handful of users, constantly updated.

Wanted Games Unofficial Listing - A cleaned up threaded version of the list of wanted games on GOG.

Multilingual GOGs - Info on multilingual GOGs and links to 3rd party patches.

Demo Links for GOG Games - Links to demos of a majority of GOG titles. Hasn't been recently updated.

Thread of known bugs - List of known bugs on the site, updated frequently and even visited by GOG staff.

---------------------------The Potatoes: Members, Discussions, Questions, Bitching---------------------------

Post Your Picture - Post your picture so others can laugh at how nerdy and unattractive you are. Pants required.

The Birthday Thread - Post your birthday, get a thread dedicated to you on said day. Woot.

The "bitch about life in general" Thread - The "better than 4chan", thread.

Share your Gamertag/PSN/Steam info - Hop on your console or PC gaming network and play with your favorite goggers!

Official Beg Thread: "This game belongs on GOG!" - Rather than 50 new posts a day concerning "I WANT THIS GAME ON GOG BLAH DEE BLAH", we try to consolidate those requests here. Please use this.

List of video reviews sites - List of sites that specialize in video reviews, written reviews, and the like.

Games you finished in 2010 - Brag about your outstanding adventures in winning. Hopefully your win was epic.

Thread for bashing other DD sites - Talk smack about Steam, even though you still use it. ;)

Twitter - the "official" user list - Hook up with fellow goggers on Twitter.

Favorite books list - Exactly what it says it is.

-------------------------------------The Boobies-shaped Jello: Forum Fun & Games-------------------------------------

What is this game? - Guess the game screenshot, or post a new one for other members to ponder.

Just Three Words... - Post three words.....

Post stupid/funny pictures from your hard drive - Self explanatory. Just do it, for our amusement.

Post Your Favorite Homemade Screenshots - Screencap something worth sharing? Show it off here.

Favorite Films - The Last one you Saw - Recommendations - A gathering of movie nerds. Great fun.

Post a random fact (or "fact") you know about the poster above you - Lies, all LIES! Still awesome, though.

Name the Quote - Figure out from whom a quote originated. Easy enough.

Silly Word Game - Make an acronym using the previous poster's name. A worthy entry shall only matter 'ere.

Random Internet Finds - funny, useful, mindblowing - Find something cool on the net? Post it and be glorious.

Pumpkins! (2010) - The best damn pumpkin carving this side of the Mississippi... or something like that...

Post edited December 18, 2010 by Destro
GorgorothX: The almighty BAMP
Gog seriosuly needs to make this a sticky.....damn their forum department seems lacking. I mean they could easily just sticky this, it would only take a few seconds, or even just leave a response saying they don't want to do that and/or are going to sticky the top threads for wishlisting/wanted games/etc instead. But no, they can't even be arsed to do that.

I mean c'mon, I love the site and all but if they loved the community they'd take some users input and hire more mods or get community mods on the ball or something.
Lol you post so regularly in this thread GameRager that it is always on the top of the thread list, doesn't need stickying. But I totally agree... no GoG dedicated moderators?
Post edited November 16, 2010 by Popinjay
Popinjay: Lol you post so regularly in this thread GameRager that it is always on the top of the thread list, doesn't need stickying. But I totally agree... no GoG dedicated moderators?
Gog has so much forum related work they NEED community moderators if they can't afford or don't want to hire their own moderators. Things like: Messed up wanted list, no real pm system(even though I must say that barefoot monkey's pm system is awesome), multiple request threads because no one new knows about or can find the wanted list, multiple other threads asking for info in other threads already....etc etc etc. Also spam......

I'd sign up if they'd offer it. I'd love to sticky a bunch of the threads in this thread and clean up spam.
Popinjay: Lol you post so regularly in this thread GameRager that it is always on the top of the thread list, doesn't need stickying. But I totally agree... no GoG dedicated moderators?
GameRager: Gog has so much forum related work they NEED community moderators if they can't afford or don't want to hire their own moderators. Things like: Messed up wanted list, no real pm system(even though I must say that barefoot monkey's pm system is awesome), multiple request threads because no one new knows about or can find the wanted list, multiple other threads asking for info in other threads already....etc etc etc. Also spam......

I'd sign up if they'd offer it. I'd love to sticky a bunch of the threads in this thread and clean up spam.
Popinjay: Lol you post so regularly in this thread GameRager that it is always on the top of the thread list, doesn't need stickying. But I totally agree... no GoG dedicated moderators?
GameRager: Gog has so much forum related work they NEED community moderators if they can't afford or don't want to hire their own moderators. Things like: Messed up wanted list, no real pm system(even though I must say that barefoot monkey's pm system is awesome), multiple request threads because no one new knows about or can find the wanted list, multiple other threads asking for info in other threads already....etc etc etc. Also spam......

I'd sign up if they'd offer it. I'd love to sticky a bunch of the threads in this thread and clean up spam.
Yeah I've never seen GoG intervene or ban anyone on the forums, although I'm new to the forums. The community voting community moderators would be great.
BAMP and updated
GorgorothX: BAMP and updated
BOOMP! for Gorgoroth, and good measure.
GorgorothX: BAMP and updated
GameRager: BOOMP! for Gorgoroth, and good measure.
lol BOOMP is a good one. Still no reply from GOG team :(
GameRager: BOOMP! for Gorgoroth, and good measure.
GorgorothX: lol BOOMP is a good one. Still no reply from GOG team :(
One more time for good measure. BTW, if you could include a link to my unofficial wanted list and bjump it's threads as well to page 1 i'd appreciate it.
GorgorothX: lol BOOMP is a good one. Still no reply from GOG team :(
GameRager: One more time for good measure. BTW, if you could include a link to my unofficial wanted list and bjump it's threads as well to page 1 i'd appreciate it.
Can you post the link? Don't feel like scouring...

We have 15 m embers and growing.....

We have 15 m embers and growing.....
Updated with your link. Cheers
Boomp back to page 1.......
Moar bump. This needs it. If anyone wants to bump my Free Software List then please do.
Navagon: Moar bump. This needs it. If anyone wants to bump my Free Software List then please do.
GameRager: Done....:)
It lives... again! Thank you, Mr Rager.