bernstein82: I'm sorry it wasn't ment to offend. I just can't seem to grasp why one would buy a console... apart from a few exlusives (imho should be forbidden) & a system that just works i see only the detriments (especially compared to drm free). Insanely expensive games, loss of access to games after at most a decade, unavailability of most older/strategy games, lack of 4K game support, etc... but then thats just me :)
Because as far as online is concerned, console games - at least those on disc - are DRM-free. Sure, they've got copy protection on the disc, but the publisher then has no control over how you play that game after the fact. I have all my games for the PS1 even today that still work without a hitch, and I shudder when I think that if I had bought them from a digital distributor like Steam, I'd end up having to buy it again, and again, and again, simply because the publisher sees me as a money tree. I really don't have a problem paying a bit more for a game if it means I have a better value proposition as a result.
Strategy games really don't interest me all that much. The only PC exclusives that generally interest me are 2D platformers and RPGs, which is why Original Sin was the first game to spark my interest in ages.
Also, my time is limited, and I've spent a seemingly endless amount of time trying to fix stuff on my PC, time which I no longer wish to waste.
As for 4K, well, if you can show me a set-up for under $1500 that can actually run games satisfactorily at 4K, and if you can show me an example of a game that would actually benefit from 4K on anything under a 55" TV, I'd be amazed...