Luned: Okay, now I am past irritated and into
ANGRY: -GOG keys will be sorted out tomorrow. I would like to say 2 things about this: up to last week the entire crew at Larian thought we were going to launch with Galaxy support and the only reason you can't redeem your GOG key is that your Steam key is in use. People who didn't use their Steam key can already redeem their GOG key.
Luned: This is from a post by Lar_q over on the Larian forums: So they both knew
last week that the general release on GOG wasn't going to happen, and nobody bothered to say a word about it?!?
I would take this with a grain of salt, as the part I highlighted is inaccurate (if not an outright lie) for a good number of us. I never used any Steam key, yet I'm locked to one with no way to chose a GOG code.
If that part's not accurate (or true), why should I trust the first part about GOG Galaxy?
Not to mention that on early June, GOG Galaxy was nowhere near being ready, how could Larian think D:OS would launch with GOG Galaxy support?