Leroux: I agree that this is an excellent bundle, it's just a bit late for it; it would have been a greater success had it come out a few months ago, maybe around Christmas or so. Then again it wouldn't have included TSWCE back then, and that seems to be a cool game, too. Even though I just had a quick look at them, I'd say the bundle is still worth it if you own all games but 1893 and TSWCE. Or even just to acknowledge the quality choice and give a little to charity. I'm looking forward to their next bundle, I just hope it won't take that long again.
EDIT: Maybe it would have been wiser to put other games in the "Beat the Average" section and let people have Metal Dead and The Shivah for the minimum price, seeing that they're both quite unknown and don't jump out at you regarding their graphics, so some might be reluctant to pay more for them, but would have had a greater incentive to buy the regular bundle when there were more unknown (and therefor unowned) games in it. And those still missing Gemini Rue might have been willing to pay $6 for it, since it's praised so often and made it to a few Best of 2011 lists.
Yeah, the point about the minimum is definitely good. I was pretty incredulous about it (though I'm definitely glad I went for it, because The Shivah is great). As you said, the graphics, while not bad, don't really make you go, "Woah!" and in addition, both of the games initially seem like they're kinda intended for specific audiences: Jewish people and metal heads (though that's not true, of course, but it might put potential buyers off). Still, great bundle and definitely worth it even if you have all the games besides TSWCE and 1893. Plus I still really want the soundtracks, so I encourage everyone to buy it. :)
Playing through Gemini Rue at the moment, and really enjoying it. I've heard a lot of complaining in reviews about the gun fights, but I actually enjoy them. I feel like they shake up the methodical adventure game pace a bit, and add some more intensity.
EDIT: I'm somewhat disappointed that the excellent TSWCE OST isn't part of the bundle, but it's available cheap on Bandcamp so it's not a huge deal. Also, even though the music is public domain, it'd be nice if they offered a download of 1983's soundtrack.