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NightRaven: Trading a GOG code of Guilty Gear X2 Reload for any of the Zork games (preferrably anthology) which is 2.99 right now

gameon: I'm interested in doing that. Anyone else got any other games they have codes for, that they'd swap for one of the promo games this weekend?
Just wanted to say to other people that the Guilty Gear X2 Reload code is gone! It's been traded with gameon for a Zork Anthology code, It's really nice doing business with an honest and reliable trader
Guild 2 Collection (Steam Tradable)

-Steam Tradable-
Counter-Strike Source
(If someone would trade me you would really be helping me out been trying to get this get for awhile now)

Frontlines: Fuel Of War
Metro 2033
Saints Row 2
STALKER: Shadow Of Chernobyl
Titan Quest
Titan Quest: Immortal Throne
Tropico Reloaded

Steam keys:
Bunch Of Heroes
Fortix 2
Vertex Dispenser

Also have an Indie Game Music Bundle 2 gift code, gives you the music from the 2nd bundle only.


Gotham City Impostors
Gotham City Impostors Unlock: XP Boost - Solo
Portal 2

Deus Ex GOTY
Thief Gold
Thief 2
Post edited May 02, 2012 by ne_zavarj
Disclaimer! I am having flu now so if you think what follows this is too weird attribute it to my state of being sick. Disclaimer!
Ok so yeah... I am not feeling all that stellar today. And yesterday as well. And day before that.
I still try to work during daytime, but in the evening I am too weak to be productive. And instead of work I sat down and played this game called "Faerie Solitaire" for some hours yesternight. And found it rather good.
How I got that? Well I got a Steam-key from Reddit first. Only to find that it took me about 5-10 minutes to launch my Steam-client everytime I wanted to play FS for 5 minutes (that is some effectiveness!). Than I saw pkeod (developer of FS) give out DRM-free version of the game to all who contacted him on reddit with such a request. Cool! The only problem is... I do not have a Reddit account and I just took a key from a post (yeah I know, I know!). So I decided to mail him and ask him whether there was any other way to apply for a DRM-free version. I did just that and he sent me DRM-free Mac and PC versions. I found such attitude rather nice.
The thing is - looking how Brian gives away thousands of FS Steam-keys and even made a bundle with "get all our future games if you purchase" codes makes me think Subsoap are really betting all they got on this promotion. So I would like to support them. But the problem is - there simply is no way I could afford to purchase their games. FS2 preorder is 10 USD and "get all future games" is 27 USD (do not want to complain/get into money talk but compared to my salary this is quite a big sum). Plus I am not really expecting any "real" side incomes for forseeable future. Things might change for better (I hope), but since they are the way they are now I simply can not do anything. Or so I thought till I had high fever yesterday. In that fever an idea came to my mind. I can exchange for something I have got.
Weird, but at least this way I would not feel like I did not do anything. So, once again I offer
Humble Android Bundle 1(no Steam-keys)
Humble Bundle Mojam
Indie Gala 2 Carebear+ bundle (games like in "carebear" music like in "big saver")
Painkiller: Redemption Steam-version
Humble Introversion Bundle
x3 Nuclear Dawn guest passes
something else I'll certainly remember of later and add here
For one of [URL=]infinity bundle keys[/url]. I know it is not a cheap thing to ask for, but than I am also trying to scoop stuff to pick a certain favourable combination

Why am I doing this? I am not desperate, but I would like to do something for Subsoap and under the circumstances I feel that is the only thing I can basically do.

UPD1 Brian from Subsoap has clarified that everyone who purchased Subsoap games before 1st of April gets an IB code, which also includes FS2 pre-order. Those who purchased directly get an IB code automatically while others can also apply for it (e.g. those who purchased FS1 via Steam).

UPD2 I made a thread with all the info about the current deals from Subsoap where I tried to sum up all the available info. Check it out!

UPD3 A HUGE thanks to ET3D for making my fever-induced crazy dream come true!!!
Post edited April 03, 2012 by ZPavelZ

I have some games on GG for Mac I want to trade:
Broken Sword 1
Fate of the World
Lux Delux

And this for PC on GG also:
Sword of the Stars
Crusader Kings Complete

From Steam:

Frozen Synapse
World Basketball Manager 2010
King Arthur Collection (key)
Your Doodles are Bugged! (key)
Wasteland Angel (key)
Hacker evolution Duality (key)
Still Life 2 (key)

From GOG:
Icewind Dale 1

Desura keys:
Indie Royale Saint Patrick and New Year

PM me.
Post edited May 02, 2012 by ne_zavarj
Tancredo: Desura keys:
Indie Royale Saint Patrick and New Year
FYI, trading Desura keys is a very bad idea. Your Desura key is your Indie Royale download link address, people can take your unused Steam key or download DRM free games off of your link.
Post edited May 02, 2012 by ne_zavarj
Tancredo: Desura keys:
Indie Royale Saint Patrick and New Year
Foxhack: FYI, trading Desura keys is a very bad idea. Your Desura key is your Indie Royale download link address, people can take your unused Steam key or download DRM free games off of your link.
Is it? I always thought it works exactly as a Steam-key does, i.e. binds games to your Desura account upon activation.
I have Gothic 3 + expansion for trade. These are gamersgate copies
Post edited April 03, 2012 by Whitewraith
ZPavelZ: Is it? I always thought it works exactly as a Steam-key does, i.e. binds games to your Desura account upon activation.
Yes. But whoever gets the key can use that to get into your IR download page. Say the key is 12345, they can go to and grab DRM free versions of the games, the other extras like music and stuff, or unused steam keys. It's not a good idea to give out Desura codes, period.
ZPavelZ: Yes. But whoever gets the key can use that to get into your IR download page. Say the key is 12345, they can go to and grab DRM free versions of the games, the other extras like music and stuff, or unused steam keys. It's not a good idea to give out Desura codes, period.
Wow, I did not know that. Thanks for heads-up. Will try myself to see how this works....
Tancredo: Desura keys:
Indie Royale Saint Patrick and New Year
Foxhack: FYI, trading Desura keys is a very bad idea. Your Desura key is your Indie Royale download link address, people can take your unused Steam key or download DRM free games off of your link.
Thanks for the advice!! I didn't know that.
Trading alternative keys for a bundle is just bad form anyways. They aren't giving you multiple copies of the game when you buy a bundle. They're simply giving you the option to use in Steam, or DRM free, or on Desura, etc. They aren't intending for you to give it away to people. The intent is to give you options, and if you say, give away a Steam key but play your DRM free version you're kind of spitting in their faces.