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I still haven't tried Civ IV: Colonization. I loved the original Colonization so I don't see why I wouldn't with the new one.
Also, this announcement made me reinstall Civ IV. And I've played it quite some hours since then. Really looking forward to the new one... the new graphics and design looks refreshing. I heard someone say that it wasn't much different from Civ IV, but there really is quite a difference.
Damn it. I just myself got a life. And now this thing comes up. :/
Post edited February 22, 2010 by KavazovAngel
Tarm: Damn!
Sid Meier was the brain of Civilization and Brian Reynold for Civilization 2 and Sid Meiers: Alpha Centauri.
Am I the only one that think Civ IV is a good effort but not a true Civ game? The Civ serie is corrupted.

You probably aren't the only one; practically every series has a lot of fans who decry the most recent game in the series as "not a real" or "not a true" whatever. In my opinion, the second and third Civs added a lot of stuff in an inelegant manner. Civ 4 is one of those rare games that manages to cut all the junk without losing the essence of the experience. It is the only game in a series that has given me the sense of wonder I felt when playing the original. That is the more than I could ever expect from a sequel.
To be honest I only like Alpha Centauri, the rest not near as much. I want a revival of Alpha Centauri, not a 5th Civ game because 4 of them was enough to please the fans. What happened to the love for Alpha Cent?
tb87670: To be honest I only like Alpha Centauri, the rest not near as much. I want a revival of Alpha Centauri, not a 5th Civ game because 4 of them was enough to please the fans. What happened to the love for Alpha Cent?

As long as they can keep making the franchise better with each installment, they can keep making new Civ games. I was well hooked on 2, then 3 came along and that ate my life. 4 came along and that ate my life, too. I imagine 5 will do the same. As for Alpha Centauri, well... yes, ok, that is a great game, and I really don't know why they didn't continue that particular franchise. I just really liked the "lore" behind it. The different factions and such were fun. I'd even take a remake of it with a modern engine.
AlphaMonkey: As long as they can keep making the franchise better with each installment, they can keep making new Civ games. I was well hooked on 2, then 3 came along and that ate my life. 4 came along and that ate my life, too. I imagine 5 will do the same. As for Alpha Centauri, well... yes, ok, that is a great game, and I really don't know why they didn't continue that particular franchise. I just really liked the "lore" behind it. The different factions and such were fun. I'd even take a remake of it with a modern engine.

Exactly man! The story was awesome, factions made sense and played off each other pretty well. I'd take a remake sorta like how FreeCol is remaking Colonization, I'd take a FreeCent anytime just because it's so awesome. Plus you could customize units, I don't think Civ games had it. I am shocked there hasn't been a reboot of Alpha Cent yet, I would predict it would sell better than the same year Civ equivalent game.
EDIT: AGGGHHH now I want Alpha Centauri on GOG, I would re-buy anytime even though I got original game and expansion discs sitting in front of me now!
Post edited February 22, 2010 by tb87670
I was actually expecting Alpha Centauri to appear when the CIv4 expansions finished but instead we got Colonization and now we are on to Civ5. It's a shame but it looks like Alpha Cent is a long way from re-appearing.
AlphaMonkey: As for Alpha Centauri, well... yes, ok, that is a great game, and I really don't know why they didn't continue that particular franchise.

My understanding is that while Sid Meier still retains the rights to the Civilization series, EA somehow managed to get the rights to Alpha Centauri, which makes it rather unlikely that we'll be seeing a proper sequel anytime in the next millennium.
Aliasalpha: Vastly more. Rev was designed for quick games that you can finish in 4-5 hours whereas the PC version can literally last for days

Four to five hours?
Seems more like 30 to 60 minutes.
Rev was cute... but not a real Civ game to me.
Ralackk: I'd also love the talking advisors again and better wonder movies. I really like Civ 4 but I think CIv 2 had way better wonder movies and advisors then it.

I love Civ 3... as much as 2 and more than 4... But Civ 3 really missed the boat by not doing wonder movies.
I've been playing Alpha Centauri these past few months and I think that game had great wonder movies.
Post edited February 24, 2010 by HoneyBakedHam
It depends how complex you go. You CAN finish a game in less than an hour if you get a good position, some lucky tech advances and focus more on killing than building but thats true of original civ as well
Also in Alpha C you could nerve staple dissidents, thats every kind of awesome
Post edited February 24, 2010 by Aliasalpha
HoneyBakedHam: I've been playing Alpha Centauri these past few months and I think that game had great wonder movies.

I need to play alpha centurai again, I remember it being a pain in the ass trying to work out good ratios of resources around the towns though. I also don't remember any of its wonder movies just the pryrimid thing that collects your achievements. Thats if I can drag myself away from civ 4's fall from heaven 2 mod.
HoneyBakedHam: I've been playing Alpha Centauri these past few months and I think that game had great wonder movies.
Ralackk: I need to play alpha centurai again, I remember it being a pain in the ass trying to work out good ratios of resources around the towns though. I also don't remember any of its wonder movies just the pryrimid thing that collects your achievements. Thats if I can drag myself away from civ 4's fall from heaven 2 mod.

Oh dear God, yes. Alpha Centauri's secret project movies were just freakin' cool. The best parts were the little narrations supposedly taken from writings by the various faction leaders. It really just made the fiction of the setting live so much more than it otherwise would have. Man, that was a great game.
I also liked the -idea- of being able to design your own units, even if the actual unit design as it was implemented in the game was a bit clunky.
Trailer for Civ5 is out! Also in the official site.
HoneyBakedHam: I've been playing Alpha Centauri these past few months and I think that game had great wonder movies.
Ralackk: I need to play alpha centurai again, I remember it being a pain in the ass trying to work out good ratios of resources around the towns though. I also don't remember any of its wonder movies just the pryrimid thing that collects your achievements. Thats if I can drag myself away from civ 4's fall from heaven 2 mod.

Easiest way to that is to stack things, like you can put a solar collector on top of a farm. Mines can't get anything but a road on them I think so I only make mines on crystal squares, empty squares I plant a forest because it works well overall and sometimes I get a farm/solar collector square pending on rainfall and all. For seabases just plant kelp/mines or kelp/tide collectors and you never run out, but it takes a long time for that stuff to build from sea-formers.
Also I still want Alpha Centauri 2!!!!!
Amazing trailer. Really inspiring too. I didnt get to play the other civ games, but now i want to play this one. : )
Anyone buying Call to Power 2 in the wake of this trailer? :D
Post edited February 26, 2010 by drmlessgames