Posted December 25, 2014
Dont think this has been posted - but as I'm getting Gogbear'd at every possible corner today, I figured I'd just post while I had the chance.
I also have had trouble loading this youtube video on the subject, but for those that dont know, 100 years ago today, there was something of a sponatneous christmas ceasefire across no-mans land.
I think for all of us - regardless of position, income or any other factors - it is worth taking a few minutes on it.
I remember my great grandad trying to relate the experience to me - either I was too young, or perhaps he was already too far gone with the dementia.. either way, it wasnt until he had passed by some years that I began to get a graspof what he meant.
So heres to you: all of you - be you nerds, hermits, weirdos, dorks, geeks, norms, sherms, numpties - whatever! I dont care what aspect of spirituality you take as yours - if any - just give this a thought and may your day be a good one.
Note: chose this video because it has subtitles as far as I can tell - feel free to add a better one / more specific one.
I also have had trouble loading this youtube video on the subject, but for those that dont know, 100 years ago today, there was something of a sponatneous christmas ceasefire across no-mans land.
I think for all of us - regardless of position, income or any other factors - it is worth taking a few minutes on it.
I remember my great grandad trying to relate the experience to me - either I was too young, or perhaps he was already too far gone with the dementia.. either way, it wasnt until he had passed by some years that I began to get a graspof what he meant.
So heres to you: all of you - be you nerds, hermits, weirdos, dorks, geeks, norms, sherms, numpties - whatever! I dont care what aspect of spirituality you take as yours - if any - just give this a thought and may your day be a good one.
Note: chose this video because it has subtitles as far as I can tell - feel free to add a better one / more specific one.
Post edited December 25, 2014 by Sachys