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serpantino: They'll probably end up being just another generic distribution site which'll eventually serve up games with drm too.
Have a little faith in GOG. We're never going to add games with DRM. ;)
Hmm.. GOG has been doing this business for 3 years but there're still people who don't have faith on their philosophy.
serpantino: It'll be a mess. If it's a separate site that can be ignored then that's fine but mixing the old and the new just makes a convoluted mess like other sites. I don't even think to search for old games on sites like gamersgate, I only ever look at the sales section.
Simple filter / search criteria on site would fix that problem...
Post edited November 17, 2011 by keeveek
I don't mind new games, as long as GOG also keeps working on getting out the old classics.

I'm also not surprised, as prior to the Witcher 2 launch, GOG said that they were more than happy to release new games, as long as they kept with the GOG philosophy - DRM free, fair price, and worldwide distribution I believe it was.

If they are true to their word and stick to that, it might even mean that for many - us Europeans at least - new games will be more affordable, as $60!=€60.

@TheEnigmaticT or anyone else in know: Are we talking about completely new games, straight of the virtual presses, or are we talking games that are newer than the currently "old" games, but that have still been out for a while.
SimonG: My point was that DRM shouldn't be in any release to start with, as it certainly doesn't help sales.
Hard to say. My understanding is that publishers are most concerned about the early sales of their games, and want to secure especially (but not necessarily only) them with DRM. Not only against full time pirates and sk€n€-d00dz who probably can get the cracked version out fast, but even the most casualiest(?) gamers who might share their brand new game bought from the local store with all their friends, if there was no DRM whatsoever to stop them. I think this is also the reason the publishers seem to be so keen nowadays to make second-hand games less valuable, or even useless.

That in mind, I personally do not think GoG will be able to muster that many new-ish titles, if they remain completely DRM-free. I guess it would be fine either way to me: either GoG releases only years old games DRM-free (like now), or releases also newer DRM-games that are guaranteed to become DRM-free at some point (or otherwise they would not be sold in GoG to begin with).

The problem with the current situation is that since GoG will miss the sales of new titles completely (and they appear on Steam, GG, D2D etc. instead, with DRM), there may be less and less incentive for the publishers to re-publish the games again on GoG, thinking people can get them from the other services if they want.

From my point of view, it means many game compilations etc. may remain incomplete on GoG, possibly forever. For example the Stronghold series, or yesterday's hidden gem promo, the Alien Shooter series. The other sites are able to offer the whole series even as a special pack, while GoG can offer only a part of it, a couple of older titles in the series. That's the reason I'm holding off buying e.g. the Stronghold games from GoG, just so that in the end I don't end up buying the same games several times from different services through special promo packs, compilations etc.
Post edited November 17, 2011 by timppu
keeveek: Simple filter / search criteria on site would fix that problem...
What if it turns out like the current forum search?
I will be thrilled as long as:
- all games remain DRM free
- the effort to bring good old games here never ceases
- all new games come with goodies
- the prices remain low
- the site usability and speed and number of features is further increased

Since nothing really seems to speak against these points now I decide to be thrilled for the moment.

However one thing: Get the missing expansions from EA as soon as possible! Don't waste time with war in Russia.
Post edited November 17, 2011 by Trilarion
Hmm, newer games and no DRM?

I smell indie power! :)
Newer games are good, I bought Two Worlds (the first one) from GOG and it wasn't an old game then. Its one of my favourite RPGs, prefer it to TW2. I have faith in GOG.
serpantino: They'll probably end up being just another generic distribution site which'll eventually serve up games with drm too.
Although nothing is ever certain, I imagine GOG will continue to stick with their DRM free stance on selling products. That is one of the core principles that has helped build this community and create such a loyal fanbase. Considering they have already stood up to publishers regarding regional pricing, both for older games and removing limitations on Witcher 2 (GOG version), I have faith they will continue to stick to their principles.
Post edited November 17, 2011 by Kurina
SimonG: If GOG focuses to much on current games it might alienate their current customer base and lose revenue in the long run.
That's how I feel, too (as if that's anything new). If there's a separate website and separate team selling new games, or if the new games are released on another day, that's one thing, but GOG had the niche of "old games working on new machines" and while many people just want DRM-free, that's okay but I come here to see re-releases and the expressions on the man-children's faces.

oigroig: if for newer titles they mean games that are 3-5 or more years old is ok

if they mean really new titles i don't like the idea because is definitively a bad choice.
GOG seems to count "old" as 3+ years, so I'm guessing new games. It's mindboggling that such a little thing would bother me, but the fact that new doesn't fit into the company name is distressing. :-P GOG needs a subsidiary called DRMDashed or something that focuses on new games totally DRM-free, and keep GOG OLD.
Post edited November 17, 2011 by tfishell
Hm, more recent games and higher price points? Suddenly games like VtM: Bloodlines and Neverwinter Nights 2 and its add-ons become a distinct possibility. :)
Post edited November 17, 2011 by Nergal01
Zchinque: I'm also not surprised, as prior to the Witcher 2 launch, GOG said that they were more than happy to release new games, as long as they kept with the GOG philosophy - DRM free, fair price, and worldwide distribution I believe it was

If they are true to their word and stick to that, it might even mean that for many - us Europeans at least - new games will be more affordable, as $60!=€60.
That would certainly be nice but up front I'd like to say that, although it was obviously quite a bit better than the unequal alternative, i don't consider what they did with the Witcher 2 'fair price'. They basically made up the difference with a couple of coupons that you could only spend on 5.99/9.99 games, which basically means that the 'fair price' solution was putting the money I otherwise would have saved towards getting other fullpriced games on GoG.

If they stick true to their word then the actual pricing hopefully will reflect that.
keeveek: They'll probably end up being just another generic distribution site which'll eventually serve up games with drm too.
Kurina: snip
I haven't said that ! ;)