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Trilarion: No certainly not. Amazon will start selling games online long before GOG starts selling books. The roles are clear.
i don't think he was serious about GoG selling books...

also, Amazon is already selling games digitally.
Fred_DM: i don't think he was serious about GoG selling books...
DRM free e-books on game history would be a nice addition.
TheEnigmaticT: Whenever I post, you know the topic just got hot. :P
Could you make this thread even hotter, and tell me if those two publishers to be signed in 2012 are those you were supposed to sign this fall, or you've already signed them and in 2012 you'll sign another two?

Because if thsoe are the same two publishers, that makes it still 4 big publishers to go, and that's not good, but if those are two new publishers, that will make only 2 left, and that would be amazing.
SLP2000: Could you make this thread even hotter, and tell me if those two publishers to be signed in 2012 are those you were supposed to sign this fall, or you've already signed them and in 2012 you'll sign another two?

Because if thsoe are the same two publishers, that makes it still 4 big publishers to go, and that's not good, but if those are two new publishers, that will make only 2 left, and that would be amazing.
You can probably tell that the publisher that we really wanted to announce last CDP Days conference is not coming this year. It ended up taking us a lot longer than we had hoped to finalize the deal. I believe they're one of the two planned for next year. The other is not someone who we had intended to sign in 2011, I do not think.
Actually another question: When you say everything remains DRM free, you also mean no check ever for getting patches, if there are any necessary, right? I remember TW2 still, although it turned out to be less of a problem in the end.
TheEnigmaticT: The other is not someone who we had intended to sign in 2011, I do not think.
So, is there any chance that the one you intended to sign in 2011 (but not the one you really wanted to announce last CDPDays) is already signed?

Before EA was announced, there was something about two major publishers coming (as signed, not as announced) this fall.

That would be total of 3 major publishers till the end of 2012, which is not bad too.

I know I'm asking a lot of questions, and if you can't say more, I totally understand.

Thanks for your reply.
Post edited November 18, 2011 by SLP2000
SLP2000: Before EA was announced, there was something about two major publishers coming (as signed, not as announced) this fall.
I don't remember this...Even if they said sth about 2 major publishers are coming I would say they were talking about EA and the other they hoped to announce on CDP Conference - that will join, hopefully, on 2012.
Short -I think we will not see games from new major publisher this year which is fine because EA vault is soooo big :-)
Post edited November 18, 2011 by tburger
tburger: snip
Nope, they said on the CDPDays conference, April 14, they already signed one major publisher (which later appeared to be EA) and they are working to sign two more this fall.

And I'm not asking if we get games from the new publisher this year - I'm only asking if they signed one. I don't really care if we get those games this year, or at he beginning of 2012. I just want this "get all major publihsers on gog" thing sorted quickly.

I really want gog to do some magick tricks with forcing those major publishers to give us SSI crpgs or System Shocks.
Post edited November 18, 2011 by SLP2000
Ubivis: 2012 #1 = Witcher Tower Defense
2012 #2 = Witcher Kart Racing
2014 = WItcher 3
2015 = Witcher 4


Just a random guess :)
The PCG article just used your Witcher Kart Racing idea!

Okay, which one of yous is Tom Hatfield?
Ubivis: 2012 #1 = Witcher Tower Defense
2012 #2 = Witcher Kart Racing
2014 = WItcher 3
2015 = Witcher 4


Just a random guess :)
Prydeless: The PCG article just used your Witcher Kart Racing idea!

Okay, which one of yous is Tom Hatfield?
They used my intellectual property without reference and written agreement? I hope they pay me well for that :)
Ubivis: They used my intellectual property without reference and written agreement? I hope they pay me well for that :)
You should have put DRM on that sentence. Then they wouldn't have been able to do that. :P
SLP2000: So, is there any chance that the one you intended to sign in 2011 (but not the one you really wanted to announce last CDPDays) is already signed?
I do not know the answer to that one, but it's also asking for a little too much detail as to where we are in what negotiations for me to go ask our bizdev guy and then report back with the answer.
Post edited November 18, 2011 by TheEnigmaticT
Tages wrapped in Ubisoft's always online system sounds most secure.
Prydeless: Tages wrapped in Ubisoft's always online system sounds most secure.
You already have to be online to read forums (except for pirated print copies). What more DRM can one need?
TheEnigmaticT: but it's also asking for a little too much detail as to where we are in what negotiations for me to go ask our bizdev guy and then report back with the answer.
Yeah, I know, that's why I said:

"I know I'm asking a lot of questions, and if you can't say more, I totally understand".
Post edited November 18, 2011 by SLP2000
Well I've said it before and I'll say it again - IF I had a computer good enough to play recent games and IF I didn't have a huge back-log already I would actually choose Steamworks over DRM free because I actually *like* achievements, when done well they should make you look at playing gamnes in different ways and extend the longevity
The other DRM certain publishers put on top of Steamworks is just monkey poop though - Steamworks-with-other-crap-on-top Vs Fully DRM free would be a hard choice...