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All-new Witcher 3 gameplay trailer, pre-orders launch; unveils GOG Galaxy, the DRM-Free Online Gaming platform!

All-new The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt gameplay footage, pre-order details, and a look at the exclusive content of the collector's edition. unveils its upcoming new project taking a next step in the DRM-Free gaming revolution. All that and more in the CD Projekt RED & Summer Conference. Watch it right here!
Post edited June 04, 2014 by G-Doc
tfishell: Looks like stuff just got real - the ad is the only thing on the front page, now.
johnnygoging: I suggest that gog replace the little bullet-point graphic with this
Nooo, nooo
The what?
M1styczny: ... I think the best way to iprove GOG is to add all social / technical features that Steam has but optional (achievements, mods, friendlist ,.........) and add some new features. Steam started as a update client for Half-Life not a store....
I also think this is the way to go but unfortunately in the latest Q&A the answers of GOG were more like: currently we plan no such thing.
JMich: They don't. Remember the DELETED_Galimatias incident a few years back.
Can''t say that it rings a bell, more details - please?
JMich: They don't. Remember the DELETED_Galimatias incident a few years back.
HypersomniacLive: Can''t say that it rings a bell, more details - please?
Linky. I don't think there was a screenshot of it though, and the links seem to no longer be as they were.
ShadowWulfe: The what?
Just a bit before you registered on GOG, see the linked thread.
Post edited June 05, 2014 by JMich
Just a short question:
Is there any possibility to watch the stream without having flash installed? I think Twitch won't support HTML5.
Does support it?
JMich: Linky. I don't think there was a screenshot of it though, and the links seem to no longer be as they were.
Just a bit before you registered on GOG, see the linked thread.
Ah yes, now I remember. Too bad that GOG has taken down the list of employees - was that on the Thank You or About page?
HypersomniacLive: - was that on the Thank You or About page?
No new game yet today, the conference coming in a few hours (which I might not be able to watch live), the suspense is killing me. And no leak beyond the galaxy picture which suggest something impossible (in a galaxy far away).
TET is leaving? :(
IAmSinistar: Snipped just to save room, but I want to say that I agree broadly with all that you posted here. DRM-free is definitely a huge component of GOG for me as well, and frankly if they drop it then I am likely to abandon PC gaming as a hobby once again, or at least scale it back to just what indie developers I can find who still embrace it.
Agreed - I think I can manage without as well. There's always the old stuff remaining.

Let's not forget that it was (and to a significantly smaller degree the Humble Store) who have put us in that position, i.e. actually knowing a market again that distributes computer games without copy protection.

The decision to abandon video games if they're only available with DRM, that's the decision of a modern gamer with strict anti piracy principles.

BillyMaysFan59: TET is leaving? :(
I must admit, it's heartbreaking. Then again... if he hasn't found his home in Poland... the step indeed WAS inevitable.
Post edited June 05, 2014 by Vainamoinen
justanoldgamer: No new game yet today (...)
It'll appear during the conference. Possibly a whole bunch of them.
Post edited June 05, 2014 by Starmaker
Vainamoinen: I must admit, it's heartbreaking. Then again... if he hasn't found his home in Poland... the step indeed WAS inevitable.
If only they could hire Billy Mays to replace him :P
Wait, wait, wait. What. WHAT. What. Noooooooooooooooooooo! He's still going to be around on the forums though, right? He won't just vanish? GOG doesn't have any kind of one-way-out-in-a-body-bag policy... right? Guys? ...Bueller?
Post edited June 05, 2014 by Melhelix
What happened to TET though...? Just didn't agree with the Europe life or what?

I kind of hope it's not reflective of how anything is at GOG...