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All-new Witcher 3 gameplay trailer, pre-orders launch; unveils GOG Galaxy, the DRM-Free Online Gaming platform!

All-new The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt gameplay footage, pre-order details, and a look at the exclusive content of the collector's edition. unveils its upcoming new project taking a next step in the DRM-Free gaming revolution. All that and more in the CD Projekt RED & Summer Conference. Watch it right here!
Post edited June 04, 2014 by G-Doc
stan423321: Hello everyone!

What's the current consensus on the "GOG new technology" thing from the email? Linux? Unknown target platform? New base platform? Something completely different?
They're buying Steam from Valve. Either that or their genetic experiments have finally come to fruition.
stan423321: Hello everyone!

What's the current consensus on the "GOG new technology" thing from the email? Linux? Unknown target platform? New base platform? Something completely different?
Nobody knows, but probably not Linux, because it has already been announced months ago.
IAmSinistar: It would be nice for Judas to mark this as In Progress, just to make people go apeshit. :)
XD - have you read zerothis' comment (May 3, 2014)?
Vitek: I only hope TET will come out of hiding after this one again.
He's not "in hiding". He's not at GOG any more.
stan423321: Hello everyone!

What's the current consensus on the "GOG new technology" thing from the email? Linux? Unknown target platform? New base platform? Something completely different?
Their doing a new UI so we can more easily integrate our goodies (like FLAC or Wallpapers) into XBMC.
Vitek: I only hope TET will come out of hiding after this one again.
OneFiercePuppy: He's not "in hiding". He's not at GOG any more.
What? Can you explain that.
Post edited June 04, 2014 by Matruchus
Ebany: There it is, Pools of Radiance.

500KB max upload, had to crop the sucker right down :/
skimmie: Ok, now I'm jealous :)
lol, even have my old Populous I packed in a storage box some where :)
Ebany: There it is, Pools of Radiance.

500KB max upload, had to crop the sucker right down :/
Otaku_Hanzo: I actually have an XT legacy system that I use every now and then to play my entire collection of Gold Box games. Be really nice to see them on here though. Instabuy for sure. As for Amiga games, there are a few I would love to see on here as well as some C64 titles. Aliens comes to mind. Great game.
Until recently I still had an old 1986 Data General with flicker free mono screen, but we saw some floods in my area a couple of years ago and it didn't survive :/

I also had my old Dick Smith System-80 (also known as a PMC-80), it was in a storage shed I had on hire and got trashed. I figured it was Lady Fate telling me to stop hoarding old junk :)
Post edited June 04, 2014 by Ebany
Matruchus: What? Can you explain that.
It's kinda self-explanatory. I thought GOG would have mentioned something about it by now, but apparently not. It's been weeks.
karnak1: Regional pricing will cause some games to be more expensive. Well, if that is the price to pay to have more games, so be it. There are some games on GOG that I just can't buy because I don't have the money. But I'd rather have more recent and expensive games here, so that other people can afford them, than not have them at all!
jalex3: Regional pricing stinks for Australia and others. So many games end up costing double. its almost allways the big releases that do it, the ones that wouldn't let there games go DRM free. IF regional pricing was to stay it at least needs boundaries. No more 70% mark up. GOG letting publishers crap all over people with regional pricing is as lame as DRM.
In this GoG doesn't have much say, the fact is they can place these demands (as they have) and the publishers just bypass them for Steam and Humble Bundle where they know every 7 second retard will purchase the games. They can only fight one battle at a time.
Matruchus: What? Can you explain that.
OneFiercePuppy: It's kinda self-explanatory. I thought GOG would have mentioned something about it by now, but apparently not. It's been weeks.
So TeT left gog then? There was nothing mentioned about it anywhere.
Ebany: It's degrading for my Extremely expensive gaming rig to run such an archaic piece of software, couldn't even slow the system enough to run one of those Amiga games. It would be like hitching a horse drawn carriage to a Ferrari.
IAmSinistar: Technofetishism is the province of insecure males who think shiny objects will help them get laid. :)

But really, I hope you don't actually equate "more hardware" with "more fun". That just as absurd as saying that movies with bigger special effects budgets are always better than those with less. Personally I've seen enough CGI-and-explosion films (and played enough AAA console titles) to know that these tend to be hollow inside when compared to games made on a smaller budget but with more affection and talent.
True, but the ones with a smaller budget, less renown actors, or cheaper CGI almost always remain on the fringes eating the left overs. Don't get me wrong, there are many old titles which could hold my interest for up to 20 minutes, but I want GoG to survive and thrive ......... can you honestly say that would happen if they spend all their time on old Amiga games?

Not to mention the fact there's a ton of Indie clones on almost every old game ever made.
toxicTom: I think GOG could be a little more outspoken towards the industry: "See, DRM-free works!". But we don't know what happens behind the doors at the negotiation tables.
IAmSinistar: The inertia in the industry is due to most companies being a mixture of equals parts of echo chamber and tribal witchdoctors. Just like individual people they reinforce their own beliefs, however wrong those are, and selectively bias the information they bring in to sustain those prejudices ("throwing virgins into the volcano stops eruptions!", "DRM stops piracy!"). Very few of them want to be first or take a chance, sadly, which makes GOG all the more precious.
I agree. In almost every case of a game been pirated the person never had any intention (under any circumstances) of paying for it, so how could it be classed as lost revenue. Really it's just the base cost of stolen intellectual property. Sometimes I think DRM is more about stopping Console users switching to a PC and learning the ropes so they can access all the good games :)
Post edited June 04, 2014 by Ebany
Kristian: Clients don't HAVE to gather any data much less report it to anyone.
Matruchus: On that I agree but the question is how can you be sure that they won't. The same suspicions I have with gog's downloader - Why does it need any login data if it is just a downloader. That just does not seem right to me but that's my opinion.
I don't see how it could work without login data.
ne_zavarj: click
toxicTom: Thanks for the link. Question is, are they really struggling or is this just the usual campaigning in the likes of "Copying kills music"? One would need hard, valid numbers from the bigger players (Hustler, Private, Kink network, DDF and co).
They're not struggling, but they are having to down size an industry which has had mark-ups in the hundreds of percentage range. I had a good friend who dealt with purchasing for a chain of stores in the industry, told me it's all the free amateur stuff available on the internet which is messing with sales. Let's just say they have competition for the first time ever :)
Post edited June 04, 2014 by Ebany
OneFiercePuppy: It's kinda self-explanatory. I thought GOG would have mentioned something about it by now, but apparently not. It's been weeks.
It has been a conspicuous absence. I hadn't given it too much thought, however. Makes sense...
OneFiercePuppy: It's kinda self-explanatory. I thought GOG would have mentioned something about it by now, but apparently not. It's been weeks.
budejovice: It has been a conspicuous absence. I hadn't given it too much thought, however. Makes sense...
Who's TeT and why's he/she important?
budejovice: It has been a conspicuous absence. I hadn't given it too much thought, however. Makes sense...
Ebany: Who's TeT and why's he/she important?
TeT or TheEnigmaticT - Trevor Longino - gog spokeperson for ages, pr guy, Officialy Head of Marketing and PR on
Post edited June 04, 2014 by Matruchus