P1na: My bad. I did not look at the forums at the time, hence the confussion. Still, while I understand the reasons behind it a day's notice is not so great.
Actually, as SimonG will be more than happy to tell you, once you get a notice to pull the game from the store, you have to pull it immediately, so a day's notice is usually more than expected. That doesn't cover cases like "Rights to sell it will expire on 31/12/2013, so get it while you can", but it's mostly for the unexpected ones.
P1na: Also, I think the OP would be interested to know that removed games you already bought are (usually?) still available here on your shelf. I at lest can still download space rangers 1&2
Yes, this is usually the case, and the few times that a game wasn't available, it was a glitch that was fixed within a few days (Chessmaster 9000 had that glitch, but should be fixed now).