JudasIscariot: They turned Castlevania into a God of War clone??? Lame.
I like God of War because it's God of War and not because it takes its inspiration from, say, Double Dragon. Please keep Castlevania as Castlevania-ish as possible.
Curse of Darkness does not exist in my book.
If they could have somehow expanded Lament of Innocence then that would have been great...
apparently you are unfamiliar with the current situation or have been misinformed by dumb people, let me fill you in:
This game takes some elements from GOW indeed but it's a unique game in it's own right
The game FEELS LIKE castlevania, and that's what important, the director of this game himself said that this game is a "spiritual successor" to Super castlevania IV on the super nintendo, It's very straightforward and action oriented, just like the original games
There is a LOT of platforming in this game (just like in the original games) as a matter of fact, some reviewers even complained that there is almost too much of it! this is certainly a good thing!
As a matter of fact, the developer revealed that this game was ALMOST A COMPLETE REMAKE of the very first castlevania game! then they decided to change it
The game timeline wise is supposed to be the very very first game in the series, even before Lament of innocence, even before the vampire killer was created
as you can see, i have been following this game very closely, hope this helps :)
let me know if you have any other questions