I knew Roman5 made this thread even before opening it.
orcishgamer: I know you like to bitch about these things, but really, Squeenix is bitching about the same thing and they've sold nearly 4 million physical copies of Hitman now (not counting digital), Tomb Raider has already sold something like 2 million and they keep bitching about "disappointing sales".
Actually, Tomb Raider sold more than 3 million within one month, and they consider it a "failure". I mean, really? Whoever makes the sales forecast at Squenix is completely out of his mind. Hitman has always been kind of a niche title and it sold around 3 million units as well, which is pretty damn good. If they were seriously expecting COD numbers they really need to review their strategy.
Dark Souls sold 2 million units and it was considered a success, which granted a sequel.
Roman5: "Capcom Announces "Special Loss" Along With Changes In Development Practices"
http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2013/04/18/capcom-announces-special-loss-along-with-changes-in-development-practices.aspx "Capcom today disclosed significant revisions to their earning forecasts for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2013. The publisher attributes a "special loss" of 7.2 billion yen."
Let this be a lesson to all of them.
Roman5: I also like it how the sales predictions for that shitty DmC "reboot" were lowered again
Have you even played it? Or are you just jumping on the hate bandwagon? "Oh no, Dante's hair is pink instead of salmon, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, THEY RUINED THE SERIES, RAGEEEEEEEEEE".
I haven't played it myself, but what i heard from those who played it and from reviews the new DmC is actually pretty decent.
DaCostaBR: DmC aside or not, this kind of double standard the japanese publishers show always leave me a bit ticked off. For example: of course Square Enix should blame Hitman and Tomb Raider for selling just under 4 million copies, not FFXIV which basically had to go into development twice, because of how shit the game was the first time it came out.
This, exactly. Squenix failed to realize where the problem really lies. I think the ex-Eidos games are doing fine, Deux Ex 3 was great, Tomb Raider was decent enough, so was Hitman, the new Thief is looking rather awesome. On the other hand, Final Fantasy games have been going downhill for a long time now. FFXIV was a huge disaster, they had to pull the game off to try to make it decent because of how shitty it was. But "Nah, let's just blame the western division instead of ourselves, we make no mistakes".